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part time, part-time — Hyphenate when used as a compound modifier.

She works part time.

She has a part-time job.

percent — One word. Use the % sign when paired with a number, with no space, in most cases.

The items were marked down by 50%.

There was a 5% increase in test scores compared with last year.

In casual uses, use words rather than figures and numbers: She said he has a zero percent chance of winning.

phone numbers— Separate the numbers with a hyphen and no space. If extension numbers are needed, use a comma to separate the main number from the extension: 212-621-1500, ext. 2.

podiumSee lectern. A person stands on a podium at a lectern.

postbaccalaureate— Not post-baccalaureate

Power Five — Spell out the number when referring to the group of conferences that generate the most athletic revenue in the NCAA and have some autonomy to create rules. The group includes the Big Ten, Big 12, Atlantic Coast Conference, Southeastern Conference and Pac-12.

president — Only capitalize if the word immediately precedes a person’s name. On second reference, use only the last name.

The president of the University of Houston made the announcement.

President Renu Khator made the announcement.>

Khator made the announcement.

see academic titles

professor — Never abbreviate. Lowercase before a name if using generally but capitalize specific title such as Associate Professor, Professor or Professor Emeritus as a conferred title before a name.

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