Staff Council - University of Houston
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Upcoming Events

Powerful Impact

  • 9University Divisions
  • 44 Staff Council Representatives
  • 3,500+Full-time staff members
  • $16,5002023-2024 Staff Scholarships awarded


Staff Resources

  • catalyst

    Catalyst Training

    Interested in further developing your career? Catalyst will equip you with tools that will result in peak performance and career enrichment. 

  • volunteer's needed

    Volunteer's Needed

    Staff Council needs volunteers to help with our events. Staff, faculty and student volunteers are all welcome to sign up. 

  • Cougar Cudos

    Cougar Cudos

    We are excited to announce the return of Cougar Cudos!  Cougar Cudos is a program that allows staff to recognize other staff members for exceptional service to the University of Houston. Nominate a coworker today.
  • PowerUP Wellness

    Get connected with resources and tools for health-related events and activities for employee wellness by checking out PowerUp Wellness.

  • Public Art: Off Site

    Public Art's new Off Site hub brings together a variety of content that can be enjoyed wherever you are, from artist-focused conversations to interactive experiences or art-making tutorials, video series, and deep dives into our archives and publications. 


  • HR Online Resource Guide

    This online guide will provide information and links to online resources for the UH community. You can also view the HR team on the About HR page. 
  • Employee Assistance Program

    Visit the UH Employee Assistance Program (EAP) page to find self-help tools and learn more about the resources available to you.
  • UIT Software Downloads

    The UIT Software Download page provides a variety of software at no charge to students, faculty and staff. Your CougarNet username and password must be entered to download software.