University-Wide Committees
Appellate Hearing Board
Appellate Hearing Board members serve as panel members to hear appeals resulting from EOS investigation findings under the UHS Sexual Misconduct and/or Anti-Discrimination Policies.
The role of the Board is to accept, reject, or remand an EOS finding under the applicable policy by determining if any error occurred during the investigation that could have significantly impacted the finding. Thus, although the Board will have the opportunity to review the evidence presented on appeal, its role is not to reinvestigate the complaint.
There is no specific qualification necessary to sit on the Board other than a willingness to serve and a commitment to attend annual training and participate in hearings as necessary. A Board member may reasonably expect to attend one or two hearings per semester and hearings generally last three to four hours. However, nominees should not include individuals who are already serving as hearing officers that are not affiliated with EOS as we want to avoid any potential conflict of interest.
Only need staff for hearings once or twice per semester. Hearings generally last between three and four hours each.
5 positions (3-year terms,Nominated by Staff Council president and approved by UH President)
- Vacant, term ending 08/31/28
- Whitney Johnson, term ending 08/31/25
- Vicki Cerna-Bell, term ending 08/31/25
- Vacant, term ending 08/31/245
- Marti Trummer-Cabrera, term ending 08/31/25
Academic Affairs
Administration and Finance
Bookstore Advisory Committee
This committee serves in an advisory capacity to the Senior Vice President for Administration and Finance and the Associate Vice President for Administration on all matters pertaining to book store services. The base purpose of the committee includes the following:
The Bookstore Advisory Committee is to work with various constituent groups, in a proactive way, to ensure there is support for future bookstore offerings and operational plans, new program initiatives, and other issues which affect satisfaction, quality, and service orientation.
They meet twice per semester
2 positions (2-year terms, staggered)
- Genny Lee, term ending 08/31/25
- Nam Nguyen, term ending 08/31/24
Campus Facilities Planning Committee
This committee is responsible for reviewing physical changes that affect the exterior planning, public spaces, architectural character, and aesthetics of the University.
1 position (2-year term)
- Scott Mason, term ending 08/31/24
Cougar Card Advisory Committee
This committee serves in an advisory capacity to the Senior Vice President for Administration and Finance, the Associate Vice President for Administration, and the Executive Director for University Services on matters regarding the Cougar Card program.
The Cougar Card Advisory Committee (“CCAC”) will work proactively with various constituent groups, to ensure there is support for future Cougar Card operational plans, new program initiatives, and other concerns which involve customer satisfaction, quality, and the provision of related services.
Meets every 4th Friday of the month
2 positions (3-year terms ending 5/31)
- Kellie Sager term ending 05/31/25
- VACANT, term ending 05/31/25
Cullen Performance Hall Advisory Committee
This committee serves in an advisory capacity to the Senior Vice President for Administration and Finance and the Associate Vice President for Administration with regard to the University’s Cullen Performance Hall.
The base purpose of the committee includes the following:
The Cullen Performance Hall Advisory Committee works with campus constituent groups and the Theater director to ensure that the program and policies are in accordance with the mission of the Cullen Performance Hall. The Committee serves as a conduit for the exchange of information and ideas between the University communities represented by the membership of the Committee and the Theater on matters pertaining to programming, booking policies and procedures, rates for University student organizations and departments, and quality. Committee members also provide feedback to the Theater Director for review and consideration.
2 positions (3-year terms)
- Gillian Bautista, term ending 08/31/25
- Nam Nguyen, term ending 08/31/25
Emergency Planning Committee
The purpose of the Emergency Planning Committee is to improve campus-wide emergency planning through campus-wide collaboration, coordination, and the development of specific emergency procedures and processes. The Emergency Planning Committee is responsible for identifying areas within the university’s emergency operations that need improvement and lack coordination. In addition, the committee collaborates and participates in campus-wide emergency response and recovery planning in order to facilitate effective emergency operations.
The committee includes representatives from various departments and divisions who are responsible for providing support and giving direction within their area of expertise, as well as, have a key role in emergency planning.
1 position (3-year term)
- Sharon Pellas, term ending 08/31/26
Food Service Advisory Committee
This committee serves in an advisory capacity to the Vice President for Administration and Finance and the Associate Vice President for Administration with regard to the University’s retail and residential food/beverage program and the vending program.
The base purpose of the committee includes the following:
The Food Service Advisory Committee is to work with various constituent groups, in a proactive way, to ensure there is support for future food service offerings and operational plans, new program initiatives, utilization of Cougar Cash and UH decentralized food service environments, and other issues which affect satisfaction, quality, and service orientation.
They meet the first Friday of every month at 12:00 PM
2 positions (3-year terms, staggered)
- Dr. Karl Hearne, term ending 08/31/25
- Genny Lee, term ending 08/31/26
Scholarships and Financial Aid Advisory Committee
This committee serves in an advisory capacity to the Executive Director for Scholarships and Financial Aid (SFA) and Associate Vice President for Enrollment Services with regard to the University’s Office of Scholarships and Financial Aid. The committee shall work with constituents in a proactive way to review operational plans, application and office processes, customer service issues, and other issues which affect satisfaction and quality of the office operations.
3 positions (1-year term)
- DaNesha Allen, term ending 08/31/24
- Genny Lee, term ending 08/31/24
- Dr. Karl Hearne, term ending 08/31/24
Sustainability Task Force
The Campus Sustainability Committee is charged with identifying and championing campus sustainability challenges with the Office of Sustainability based on institutional sustainability performance while representing University of Houston’s faculty, staff, and students. The committee will inform the Office of Sustainability personnel regarding university perspective and advising topics in an effort to provide a voice for the community at large.
1 positions (2-year terms)
- Dr. Marti Trummer-Cabrera, term ending 08/31/25
Transportation and Parking Advisory Committee
The Transportation & Parking Advisory Committee (TPAC) is a standing committee reporting to the Office of the Executive Vice President for Administration & Finance (VPAF)./p>
TPAC works closely with the Department of Parking & Transportation Services (PTS) serving as a conduit for the exchange of information and ideas between the community, PTS, and University Management. TPAC provides advice and assistance regarding plans for the development of parking facilities, parking enforcement issues, parking fees and fines, shuttle bus operations, and transportation and parking issues.
3 positions (3-year terms, staggered)
- Farbia Pourayan, term ending 08/31/26
- Iggy Harrison, term ending 08/31/24
- Elsie Myers, term ending 08/31/25
Student Affairs
A.D. Bruce Religion Center Policy Board
The Board shall be the primary recommending agency for the A.D. Bruce Religion Center. Policy considerations shall encompass all phases of the A.D. Bruce Religion Center operation exclusive of compensation and employment decisions.
Meets quarterly.
2 positions (2-year terms, staggered)
- Iggy Harrison, term ending 08/31/25
- Courtney Washington, term ending 08/31/24
Campus Recreation Advisory Board
The Campus Recreation Advisory Board shall be the primary policy recommending agency for the Department of Campus Recreation. Policy considerations shall encompass all phases of CRWC and outdoor facility operations, programs, and services exclusive of compensation and employment decisions.
1 position (3-year term and Paid member of CRWC)
- Dr. Karl Hearne, term ending 08/31/24
Children’s Learning Centers Advisory Board
The Children's Learning Centers Advisory Board (CLCAB) is composed of a group of dedicated parents, students, staff, and faculty members. The CLCAB serves in an advisory capacity to provide support and guidance to the Director and to help UHCLC fulfill its goals. As a result of UHCLC being founded as a student service, students have and will continue to play a significant role in the policies, procedures, and development of the Center through involvement in CLCAB.
Monthly meetings are scheduled at the Center (or virtual due to COVID-19)
2 positions (2-year terms, staggered)
- Dr. Marti Trummer-Cabrera, term ending 08/31/25
- VACANT, term ending 08/31/24
Counseling and Psychological Services Advisory Board
This committee shall serve in an advisory capacity to the Director of Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS) at the University of Houston in regards to: 1. CAPS services and support 2. CAPS strategic initiatives 3. Campus issues related to mental health
1 position (2-year term)
- Scott Mason, term ending 08/31/25
Fraternity/Sorority Community Advisory Board
The purpose of the University of Houston Fraternity/Sorority Community Advisory Board is to serve in a policy and advisory capacity to the Center for Fraternity & Sorority Life and the University as a whole through the following means:
- To assist in the long-term viability of the fraternity/sorority system at UH through advocacy for increased resources, development opportunities, and strategic planning
- To partner and liaise with the UH Alumni Association, UH Advancement, and other stakeholders to increase the population of informed, engaged fraternity/sorority alumni
- To serve as a sounding board and feedback loop to the Center for Fraternity & Sorority Life as they consider policies and practices designed to improve fraternity/sorority life at UH
- To review and make meaning of data that communicates the current successes and challenges of the fraternity/sorority community
2 positions (2-year terms, staggered)
- Shatera Anderson, term ending 08/31/24
- Dr. Karl Hearne, term ending 08/31/25
Homecoming Steering Committee
1 position (1 calendar-year term)
- Debbie Samuels term ending 12/31/23
Student Centers Policy Board
The Student Centers Policy Board shall be the primary policy recommending agency for the Student Center North, Student Center South, and the Student Center Satellite (Student Centers). Policy considerations shall encompass all phases of the Student Centers operation exclusive of compensation and employment decisions.
Policy recommendations will be made to provide for the following:
- The Student Centers will be a unifying force between students, faculty, and staff;
- The Student Centers will be a campus center for social, cultural, and intellectual activities and services;
- The Student Centers will be a place to provide further opportunities to broaden and strengthen interpersonal relationships and self-enhancement within a large urban university; and
- The Student Centers will provide experience in self-governance and civic responsibility.
2 positions (2-year terms, staggered)
- David Frankfort, term ending 08/31/24
- Debbie Samuels, term ending 08/31/25
Student Housing & Residential Life Advisory Committee
The Student Housing & Residential Life Advisory committee serves in an advisory capacity to the Executive Director of Student Housing & Residential Life and the Vice President/Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs related to how Student Housing & Residential Life supports the academic mission of the university, student development, student success, and other issues which affect satisfaction, quality, and service. Responsibilities of the committee include, but are not limited to the following:
- Develop and review recommendations regarding Student Housing & Residential Life strategic planning.
- Develop and make recommendations to the Executive Director of Student Housing &Residential Life on services for residential students.
- Review and make recommendations related to policies and procedures that impact the residential student experience to the Executive Director of Student Housing & Residential Life.
- Review and recommend room and board rates (in conjunction with the Food Service Advisory Committee).
The committee typically meets 2 or 3 times fall semester and 2 or 3 times spring semester.
2 positions (2-year terms, staggered)
- Shatera Anderson, term ending 08/31/24
- DaNesha Allen, term ending 08/31/25
Student Media Advisory Committee
The Student Media Advisory Committee (hereafter referred to as the Committee or the SMAC) has been established by the University of Houston to formulate, implement and monitor general policies as related to student media.
1 position (2-year term)
- Enrique Garza, term ending 08/31/24
University Hearing Board
5 positions, 2 alternates (2-year terms, staggered)
- Scott Mason, term ending 08/31/25
- Deidra Perry, term ending 08/31/25
- Trever Thomas, term ending 08/31/25
- Andy Moon, term ending 08/31/24
- Ron Gonyea, term ending 08/31/24
- [Alternate] Vicki Cerna Bell, term ending 08/31/25
- [Alternate] Kellie Sager, term ending 08/31/24
Veteran Services Advisory Board
The purpose of the Veteran Services Advisory Board (VSAB) is to foster Veteran transition and success at the University of Houston through education, awareness, and strategic partnerships concerning Veteran Services’ programs and services.
The Board shall provide input and recommendations in an advisory manner to carry out the mission of Veteran Services.
2 positions (2-year terms, staggered)
- Iggy Harrison, term ending 08/31/25
- David Frankfort, term ending 08/31/24
Women & Gender Resource Center Advisory Board
The purpose of the Women and Gender Resource Center (WGRC) Advisory Board is to foster gender equity and success at the University of Houston through research, education, strategic partnerships, and awareness about the WGRC’s programs and services.
The board shall provide input and recommendations in an advisory manner to carry out the mission of the Women and Gender Resource Center.
2 positions (2-year terms, staggered)
- Vacant, term ending 08/31/24
- Whitney Johnson, term ending 08/31/25
Appointments not subject to vote by Staff Council General Membership
Safety and Security Committee
1 position (current Staff Council President)
- Whitney Johnson, term ending 8/31/24
UH Weeks of Welcome Steering Committee Meeting
Current CFI Co-ChairsSubstance Use Disorder Advisory Committee
1 position (current Staff Council President)
Whitney Johnson, term ending 8/31/2024 (President)