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Preceptors - Experiential

  • Health Systems Pharmacy, University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center
  • Outpatient Pharmacy, Revive RX Pharmacy
  • Hospital Pharmacy Preceptor, Mohammed Fahimuddin, Pharm.D.
  • Faculty Preceptor, Amelia Sofjan, Pharm.D.
  • Institutional Patient Care Preceptor, Kayta Kobayashi, Pharm.D.
  • Community Preceptor, Brandon Casarez, Pharm.D. ('17)
  • Ambulatory Care Preceptor, Thanh Nguyen, Pharm.D. ('11)

Appreciation of Preceptors

Preceptors are an integral part of the pharmacy student's professional development, and are vital to the training of capable and caring pharmacy students. They are critical in transitioning the student from the classroom to the patient care setting by providing invaluable pharmacy practice experiences. A preceptor has the unique opportunity to mentor a pharmacy student, and impact their professional and personal growth.

The University of Houston College of Pharmacy truly appreciates the generosity, knowledge, and devotion to education of those who serve as our preceptors.

Introductory Pharmacy Practice Experiences (IPPE)

The Doctor of Pharmacy student will complete 300 hours of Introductory Pharmacy Practice Experiences prior to their fourth year of pharmacy school.

Three Components of IPPE:

  • IPPE I and Professional Development
    A structured pharmacy practice experience for P2 students in a long-term care pharmacy setting.
  • Introductory Community Pharmacy
    Post-P2 students are assigned to a pharmacist preceptor in a community setting for four weeks.
  • IPPE II and Professional Development
    A structured pharmacy practice experience for P3 students in a health-systems pharmacy setting.

Advanced Pharmacy Practice Experiences (APPE)

The Advanced Pharmacy Practice Experiences consist of seven 6-week pharmacy practice experiences during the fourth year of pharmacy school. Doctor of Pharmacy students in APPEs participate under the supervision of registered pharmacist preceptors in a range of interdisciplinary patient care activities in a variety of settings from ambulatory, community and institutional facilities.

Components of APPE: 4 Required APPEs and 3 Electives.

Required APPEs

  • Advanced Community Pharmacy
  • Advanced Hospital Pharmacy
  • Ambulatory Care - Primacy Care; Disease State Management; Family Medicine
  • Internal Medicine