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Graduate Programs

Medicinal Chemistry Pharmaceutics Pharmacology

Pharmaceutical Health Outcomes and Policy Pharmacy Leadership and Administration

Ph.D. in Pharmaceutical Sciences

The Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) in Pharmaceutical Sciences degree programs emphasize independent research that focuses on the in-depth study of a pharmacological or pharmaceutical problem in each student's chosen research specialty area. These degree programs allow students to master the skills necessary for careers in academia, industry and government.

Pharm.D. + Ph.D. in Pharmaceutical Sciences Consecutive Degree

Professional students often develop an interest in research and a desire to pursue a Ph.D. degree in Pharmaceutical Sciences after completion of the Pharm.D. A Pharmaceutical Sciences Ph.D. can be earned in the concentrations of Pharmacology, Pharmaceutics, Medicinal Chemistry or Pharmaceutical Health Outcomes and Policies (see information and links below). Visit the Pharm.D. + Ph.D. Consecutive Program page for general information; for more detailed information, please consult Jason Eriksen, Assistant Dean for Graduate Programs.

Pharmaceutical Sciences Concentrations

Concentrations are available in four areas of Pharmaceutical Sciences:

Medicinal Chemistry

This concentration encompasses the search for, design of and synthesis of new drug entities, structural analysis of drugs, structure-activity relationships, interactions between drugs and molecular targets, natural product chemistry and aspects of drug metabolism.

For more information, please visit the Medicinal Chemistry, Pharmaceutics and Pharmacology section.


This concentration emphasizes development of novel drug delivery methods, absorption, metabolism and drug formulations. Early coursework provides a solid foundation in pharmaceutics, pharmacokinetics, physical pharmacy, dosage formulation and delivery systems. Areas of research interest include oral dosage formulations, transdermal and liposomal drug delivery, therapeutic DNA delivery, absorption and metabolism, and pharmacokinetics. Students in the Pharmaceutics Concentration may develop research programs in the areas of drug delivery systems, drug stability, dosage forms and pharmacokinetics.

For more information, please visit the Medicinal Chemistry, Pharmaceutics and Pharmacology section.


This concentration emphasizes molecular and cellular aspects of pharmacological research to understand function at the cellular, organ and whole body level. Areas of research emphasis in the department include cardiovascular/renal pharmacology, cellular signalling and transport, traditional medicine and natural products, and neuropharmacology. Students in the Pharmacology Concentration may develop research programs in the areas of renal, autonomic, central nervous system, cardiovascular pharmacology, signal transduction, cellular physiology of exercise and aging, protein biochemistry or medicinal chemistry of natural products.

For more information, please visit the Medicinal Chemistry, Pharmaceutics and Pharmacology section.

Pharmaceutical Health Outcomes and Policy

This concentration encompasses pharmaceutical practice and policy research, a multidisciplinary field that examines cost, access, and quality of pharmaceutical care from clinical, sociobehavioral, economic, organizational and technological perspectives. Traditional and innovative areas of pharmaceutical health outcomes research include pharmacoepidemiology, pharmacoeconomics, comparative effectiveness research, patient-centered outcomes research, and translational research.

For more information, please visit the Pharmaceutical Health Outcomes and Policy section.

M.S. in Pharmacy Leadership and Administration

The M.S. in Pharmacy Leadership and Administration is part of The Houston Program, one of the premier Health-system Pharmacy Administration training (HSPA) sites in the country. The program incorporating a M.S. degree with concurrent PGY1 pharmacy practice and PGY2 in HSPA residencies from seven leading Texas Medical Center institutions. Taking full advantage of the resources of the world’s largest medical center, the 24-month program offers unique learning, teaching and collaboration opportunities. The goal of the program is to train the next generation of pharmacy leaders.

For more information, please visit the M.S./Residency section program.