Additional Sources for Houses, Condominiums and Apartments - University of Houston
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Additional Sources for Houses, Condominiums and Apartments

  • Houston Association of Realtors
    This organization can help you find a real estate agent if you are interested in buying a house or condominium.
  • Books & Magazines: In front of many grocery stores, restaurants, bookstores, and other businesses, you will find some free publications that describe many of the apartment complexes in town. These publications will list the amenities, give you a cost range, the type of floor plans available, etc. Some of these publications are:
    • Apartment Guide
      Available for free all over the city, this booklet is also available on their website.
    • Here is Houston: The Guide to Living in Houston – This “Newcomer and Relocation Journal” is published by the Greater Houston Partnership. It includes information on all aspects of life in Houston, including moving to Houston, renting an apartment, buying a house, neighborhoods, retail, dining, education, health care, entertainment, etc. It can be purchased for $3.00 from the Greater Houston Partnership, 1200 Smith, Suite 700, Houston; TX, 77002-4400, phone: 713-844-3600; fax: 713-844-0200;
    • Houston Housing guide: This free publication is geared towards those interested in buying a house, but also includes information on schools, demographics, useful contact information, etc. It is available at Kroger’s and Randall’s grocery stores, and other locations all over the city.
    • Harmon Homes: For those interested in buying a home, this free publication is available all over the city.