Adam Noble | (Head of MFA Acting) Associate Professor, Acting & Movement, UH Armory Supervisor
Allison Pistorius | (Head of BFA Acting) Assistant Professor, Acting
Dr. Margo Hickman | Head of BFA Theatre Education
Jack Young | Professor, Acting
Jessica Ferrarone | (Head of Summer MA for Theatre Educators) Professor, Acting
Molly Wetzel | Assistant Professor, Voice & Speech
Stuart Ostrow | Distinguished Professor of Musical Theatre
Vivian Majkowski | Associate Professor, Voice & Speech
Alan Brincks | Adjunct Faculty, Theatre
Blake Minor | Adjunct Faculty, Theatre
Carol Anglin | Adjunct Faculty, Dance
Courtney Young | Adjunct Faculty, Theatre
Elizabeth Troxler | Adjunct Faculty, Dance
Elizabeth Woodson | Adjunct Faculty, Dance
Eric Holm | Adjunct Faculty, Theatre
Firat Kazbek Ozsoy | Adjunct Faculty, Dance
Heidi Hinkel | Adjunct Faculty, Theatre
Jacqueline Anne Bobet | Adjunct Faculty, Dance
Jennifer Sommers | Adjunct Faculty Dance
Jon L. Egging | Adjunct Faculty, Theatre
Joel Aguilera | Adjunct Faculty, Dance
Kyle Clark | Adjunct Faculty, Theatre
Leslie Scates | Adjunct Faculty, Dance
Meghann Mason | Adjunct Faculty, Theatre
Joanna Friesen | Professor Emeritus, Dance
Karen Stokes | Professor Emeritus, Dance
Kevin Rigdon | Professor Emeritus, Theatre
Jim Johnson | Professor Emeritus, Theatre