Student and Alumni Resources
Internships and Fellowships
Find out more about our internship and fellowship programs.
Next Generation Leadership Academy
Civic Houston Internship Program
Social Economy and Enterprise Academy
Elizabeth D. Rockwell Center Scholarships
Richard Murray Endowed Scholarships
Civic Houston Internship Program (CHIP) Award
Hobby School Excellence Scholarship (Undergraduate)
Garnet Coleman Award for Student Excellence
The Garnet Coleman Award for Student Excellence is presented to one graduating Hobby School student each year.
Hobby School Commencement
Find out details of upcoming commencement ceremonies.
Hobby School Student/Alumni Organizations and Social Media
Student Organizations
Pi Alpha Alpha: global honor society for public affairs and administration
The minimum requirements for undergraduate students to be inducted are to achieve and maintain a 3.7 or above GPA and the completion of approximately 70% of coursework in a public policy degree with at least 15 hours of major-specific coursework.
Hobby School Student Organization: student-created organization for Hobby School students
For more information on student organizations, visit the Get Involved page on the UH Center for Student Involvement site.
Alumni Organizations
UH Alumni Association: Hobby School of Public Affairs: official UH Alumni Association page
Facebook: Hobby School of Public Affairs Alumni Association: official Facebook account for the alumni-run alumni association
Twitter: Hobby School of Public Affairs Alumni Association: official Twitter account for the alumni-run alumni association
LinkedIn: Hobby School of Public Affairs Alumni Association: official LinkedIn account for the alumni-run alumni association
Other Professional Resources
UH University Career Services: UH's career services office provides assistance with career advice, job searches, job fairs, interview techniques, networking, and much more
Association for Public Policy Analysis and Management (APPAM): nonprofit organization dedicated to improving public policy and management by fostering excellence in research, analysis, and education
Network of Schools of Public Policy, Affairs, and Administration (NASPAA): nonprofit organization of graduate education programs in public policy, public affairs, public administration, and nonprofit management browse federal, state, and municipal jobs and internships
International City/County Management Association: locate job opportunities with city and county governments
Opportunities in Public Affairs: search for legislative, public affairs, and public relations jobs in Washington D.C. and nationwide find jobs and internships, career advice, and information on degrees in public service and public affairs
Big Data Internships and Employment: Tips to find and make the most out of a big data-related internship federal government's official jobs site
Visit Houston: search for Houston-area attractions, events, restaurants, and much more