Miljana Bajic
Your anticipated graduation date
May 2021
Your major
Social Work
Your current occupation
Your Hometown
Belgrade, Serbia
Why did you choose the University of Houston?
I liked how the Social Work program is conceptualized and organized.
Please describe your experience as a UH Cougar.
As an international and more mature than a typical student, it was financially challenging, but I still hope it will be worth it.
What are your goals post graduation? How has the Cougar Emergency Fund helped you in this pursuit?
My goal is to serve my community in some meaningful way and to help the unprivileged populations, older adults in particular. Last summer was especially financially difficult since I am a cancer patient, and when the epidemic started and my position as a research assistant ended I really struggled. The Cougar Emergency Fund has helped me to pay a long-standing medical bill and enroll in the last year of my Ph.D. studies. I am very grateful for the assistance.
What message would you like to pass along to the UH community?
Get to know the possibilities and opportunities our university has to offer — they are great and numerous. Being part of the UH community is a privilege.