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Attack-Resistant Trust Management for Securing Vehicular Ad Hoc Network


  • Yongxin Liu, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University,  ORCID # 0000-0003-4527-8623  (PI)

Project Description:

Schematic Diagram of Cyberattack on Connected Vehicles in Mixed Traffic

Figure 1 - The attack-resistant trust management scheme

We propose an attack-resistant trust management scheme as in Figure 1 to cope with malicious attacks and evaluate the trustworthiness of data as well as nodes in VANETs. In the scheme, we model and evaluate the trustworthiness of data and node as two separate metrics, namely data trust and node trust, respectively. Data trust is used to assess whether or not and to what extent the reported traffic data are trustworthy. On the other hand, node trust indicates how trustworthy the nodes in VANETs are. Moreover, the scheme can detect malicious nodes in VANETs. To evaluate the performance of the proposed ART scheme, extensive experiments will be conducted. The proposed trust management theme is applicable to a wide range of VANET applications to improve traffic safety, mobility, and environmental protection with enhanced trustworthiness.