Intellectual Wellness - University of Houston
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Intellectual Wellness

To be intellectually healthy, it is essential to continue to explore new avenues and interests and to regularly engage in new and ongoing learning opportunities and experiences.

Tips to help Cougars with Intellectual Wellness

  1. Read, Learn and Engage in lifelong learning for fun
    Read new books and articles, take more classes that are not required for your degree, or take training for fun. If you want to learn about a new subject, go for it. Always be willing to engage in new opportunities and experiences. It is important to stay abreast with what is going on in the world around you. Visit the campus library to see what books, articles, and academic journals they have available.

  2. Participate in class and organizations
    Participate in every class, training or organization you are in. Although you might not love every subject it is important to have an open mind. Be an active listener and engage in each subject. This can make learning more fun and easy. It is important to ask questions in class, training and organization meeting to clarify things you don't understand. If you feel you need additional help with courses at the University of Houston you can visit the Learning Support Services Office or you can go online for more information.

  3. Travel more
    Travel on your own or with a group of friends to learn the history of other states and countries. When traveling try to visit the state museums, local/national libraries, state parks, universities, sign up for city tours and explore independent book stores for the untold stories of the place you are visiting. When you travel you can engage in new experiences with different cultures by going to music festivals, fashion shows, theater performances, and restaurant dining. Study abroad while you can as a student of the university. Visit the Learning Aboard Office and ask for information about the learning abroad programs.

  4. Get adequate sleep
    To be able to obtain and understand information in class, training or organizational meetings it is important that you get the recommend sleep every night. Adults need at least 7-9 hours of sleep. Sleep plays an important role in memory before and after learning. If you find that you are having sleep problems you should contact your doctor or see a professional who has expertise in sleep disorders. You can also visit the Sleep Anxiety Center of Houston on campus.