Faculty Directory: Graduate College of Social Work - University of Houston
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Faculty Directory

Faculty Title & Research Interest Email
Acquati, Chiara
Chiara Acquati

Associate Dean of Research and Faculty Development | (she/her)
Psychosocial oncology, stress and coping, dyadic coping, couple-based interventions
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cacquati@Central. uh.edu
Ali, Samira
Samira Ali

Associate Professor | (she/her) | Director, SUSTAIN Wellbeing COMPASS Coordinating Center
HIV risk and prevention, structural determinants of health, family-based interventions, global social work, methods: mixed methods, community-based participatory research
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Amtsberg, Donna
Donna Amtsberg

Clinical Associate Professor
Director, Trauma Education Program
Clinical social work practice with an emphasis on trauma-informed policy and practice, family violence policy and practice, neuro-sequential model of therapeutic practice, and equine-assisted psychotherapy. Research interests in ACE and family violence, imposter phenomena, and homeless program evaluation.
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Bagneris, Jessica



Assistant Professor 

Trauma; Children and families; Socioculturally informed research, practice, and intervention;
Biopsychosocial development and dynamics; and Anti-racism, equity, and social justice.




Barthelemy, Juan


Associate Professor 

Increasing school engagement for youth have been identified as at-risk for future criminal behaviors, community engagement strategies to reduce juvenile violent crime, group and gang violence reduction strategies, adolescent aggression and school-based violence interventions.

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Berger Cardoso, Jodi

Associate Professor
Immigration enforcement, psychological trauma and migration, immigrant integration, evidenced-based interventions that target trauma and substance use comorbidities, and social and cultural determinants of mental health
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Borja, Sharon

Assistant Professor
Adversity (stress and trauma), Grit and resilience, Im/migrant health equity and healthcare access, Participatory and community-engaged research and program evaluation
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Boyd, Reiko
Reiko Boyd
Assistant Professor | (she/her)
Racial/ethnic disparities in children's service systems, structural inequality and opportunity in African American communities, infant/adolescent health and well-being
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Brown, Brené
Brene Brown
Huffington Brené Brown Endowed Chair  
Authentic leadership and wholeheartedness in families, schools, and organizations
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Carter, Cindy


Clinical Assistant Professor | (she/her)
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Cheung, Monit
Monit Cheung

Professor of Social Work | Mary R. Lewis Endowed Professor in Children & Youth | (she/her) | Director, Child and Family Center for Innovative Research
Child sexual abuse, immigrant services, Chinese older adults, child welfare training, family therapy, creative clinical skills, and therapeutic touch.
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Dettlaff, Alan J.
Alan J. Dettlaff

Professor of Social Work (he/him)
Strategies that advance abolition of the family policing system; application of an abolitionist praxis in social work research, education, and practice; social work’s role in the abolition of carceral systems
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Foster, Charday
Clinical Assistant Professor | (she/her)
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Gearing, Robin
Professor of Social Work | (he/him) | Director, Center for Mental health Research & Innovation in Treatment Engagement & Service (MH-RITES)
Adolescent mental health, serious mental illness, evidence-based practice (EBP), engagement and adherence to treatment and intervention, relapse prevention, mental health disparities, community-based services for youth, service delivery and utilization, RCTs
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Gonzales, Shelley
Shelley Gonzales
Assistant Director of Practicum Education & Clinical Assistant Professor | (she/her)
Field Education, Experiential Education, Youth and Young Adults: Physical and Mental Health, Juvenile Justice. Leadership, Leadership Development and Synergistic Team Collaboration, Administration: Grant writing. Management. Development, Curriculum Development, Strategic Planning and Logic Models, Social Work Practice, Education and Supervision.
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Leung, Patrick
Patrick Leung
Professor of Social Work | Gerson & Sabina David Endowed Professor for Global Aging
Children and family, mental health, HIV and AIDS, refugee population, Asian study, and the elderly
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Lucas, Virginia (Ginger) 

Associate Dean of Academic Affairs | (she/her)
Social work curriculum development, online course and program development, administration, planning and program coordination, and community education in issues related to Public Health.
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Mendoza, Yvonne


Clinical Assistant Professor | (she/her)
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Miyawaki, Christina 
Christina Miyawaki
Associate Professor | (she/her)
Health disparities among older adults of color, health and acculturation, immigrant caregivers of older adults, health promotion, and healthy aging
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Parker, Jamie 
Jamie Parker
Director of Practicum Education | Clinical Associate Professor | (she/her)
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Parks, Steven L.

Steven L. Parks

Lecturing Faculty Professor | (he/his)
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Pritzker, Suzanne 
Professor of Social Work | (she/her)
Youth civic engagement, youth empowerment, service-learning, positive youth development, children’s rights, political social work, political advocacy and social welfare policy, social work education, policy education
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Robbins, Susan P. 
Susan Robbins
Professor of Social Work | (she/her) | Cele S. and Samuel D. Keeper Endowed Professor in Social Justice

Human behavior theory, cults, satanic ritual abuse, recovered memories, false allegations of child sexual abuse, substance use, misuse and abuse, Native American issues, mediation
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Sampson, McClain 
McClain Sampson
Associate Professor | (she/her) | Director, Maternal Health Equity Research and Training Center

Motivational Interviewing in assessment and intervention, problem-solving tools for reduction of perinatal depression, community-based research, mixed methods research
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Scott, Edward


Assistant Professor 

Adolescent Sociopolitical Development and Psychosocial Wellbeing; Critical Youth Studies; Black Boyhood Studies; (Narrative) Identity Development; Positive Youth Development in Context; School Social Work; YPAR, Qualitative, and Mixed Methods

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Torres, Isabel
Associate Professor 
Cancer health disparities, palliative and supportive care, geriatric health, international health, medical mistrust, informed decision making, HPV vaccine uptake and acceptance
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Walton, Quenette 


Associate Dean for Doctoral Education | (she/her)

Mental health and mental health disparities among Black women across the life course; SES as a social determinant of mental health; The Black middle class; Black women's wellness and well-being; Race, class, and gender; Qualitative research

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White, Tamika


Clinical Assistant Professor | (she/her)
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