Report a Concern
The Division of Research and the Research Integrity and Oversight (RIO) Office, together with the IACUC, are committed to ensuring the ethical treatment of animals. Any concerns of violations of policy or regulations should be brought to the attention of the IACUC.
It is the University of Houston's policy that the procurement, housing, care, and use of animals should conform to the Guide for the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals (PDF) and other relevant federal and state policies and procedures. This policy applies to all research and teaching involving the use of laboratory animals, whether funded from external or internal sources.
Report an Adverse Event in a Laboratory
Faculty and staff who work in animal facilities or laboratories are required to report any unanticipated problems, protocol deviations, or adverse events associated with animals used in research, testing, or teaching. This report can be submitted to or as a "Concern" in the ICON protocol submission system.