Institutional Data Sheet
UH Federal Identification Number (TIN/FEIN #) |
746001399 |
UH System Federal Employer's ID # |
746001399W |
FICE code |
003652 |
DUNS # |
036837920 |
DUNS +4 # |
036837920+2015 |
UEI (SAM Unique Entity ID) |
9B955 |
SAM (System for Award Management) |
December 17, 2024 |
NAICS Code |
611310 |
NIH Entity ID #(FEIN) |
1746001399A3 |
NIH Institutional Profile File number |
1449402 |
NSF Institution # |
0036525000 |
NIFA Recipient ID for the ASAP System ALC/Region number |
4829673 12402200 |
UH Indirect Cost Rate (F&A rate) |
9/1/2017 to 8/31/2019: See also rates list over time. |
Safety and Compliance
State of Texas Radiation Safety License # |
L01886 |
Animal Use Assurance # |
A-3136-01 |
Human Subjects Federal-Wide Assurance # |
FWA00005994 |
Human Subjects IRB Registration # |
IRB #1: IRB00000083 |
State Employer's # |
69-074-0001-189 |
State Payee ID # (VIN) |
3730730730-8000 |
University of Houston State Agency # |
730 |
Tax Exempt # |
17460013992000 (this is the State of Texas designator for the University of Houston System and all its components) |
NIH Salary Cap ( FY2020) |
View our University's Annual Financial Reports, click here
View our Statewide Single Audit Reports: FY2012, FY2013, FY2014, FY2015, FY2016, FY2017, FY2018, FY2019, FY2020, FY2021, FY2022, FY2023
Audit Response: 2014
Cognizant Audit Agency |
Department of Health and Human Services |
Cost Accounting Standards Disclosure Statement |
Effective date 05/1/02 |
Name and address of cognizant ACO where filed |
ONR Contracts & Grants Office |
Mr. James Canty |
Accreditation and Statute
University of Houston is accredited by: | The Southern Association of Colleges & Schools |
General statute that qualifies University of Houston as an institution of higher education: | Texas Education Code 111.01 |
State of Texas Act creating the University of Houston | |
U.S. Department of Education-Title III and Title V programs Eligible Institution Designation | Letter of Designation as an Eligible Institution |
Authorized Institutional Representative, Official Address
University of Houston
Division of Research
Ezekiel W. Cullen
4302 University Drive, Room 316
Houston, TX 77204-2015
Authorized Institutional Representative, AOR Signatories
Office of Contracts and Grants, Division of Research |
David Schultz Shannon Gary |
Division of Research |
Cris Milligan |
Sponsored Project Payment Information
Mailed Checks |
Treasurer Invoice number must be listed on payment |
ACH & Int'l Wire Transfers | For this information, contact the Office of Contracts and Grants at |
W-9 Form for Payment |
Governmental Representatives
U.S. Senators |
Ted Cruz |
18th U.S. Congressional District, Representative | Sylvester Turner |
13th State Senatorial District, Senator | Borris L. Miles |
147th State Legislative District, Representative | Jolanda "Jo" Jones |
Harris County Precinct 1 Commissioner | Rodney Ellis |
Houston City Council Precinct 1, District D | Dr. Carolyn Evans-Shabazz |
Primary Congressional District
The primary Congressional District for UH is TX-018.
The primary Congressional District for the Texas Medical Center is TX-007.