Email: shahn3@CougarNet.UH.EDU Research Interests: Strategic management, competitive advantages of corporate social responsibility practices and gambling studies Faculty Advisors: Dr. Ki-Joon Back and Dr. Jaewook Kim
Email: ahernandezcalderon@uh.edu Research Interests: Technology in the hospitality industry, big data and business analytics Faculty Advisor: Dr. Minwoo Lee
Email: mmhingor@CougarNet.UH.EDU Research Interests: Strategic management and marketing Faculty Advisors: Dr. Jaewook Kim and Dr. Carl A. Boger Jr.
Email: ypark17@uh.edu Research Interests: ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance) and consumer behavior Faculty Advisors: Dr. Minjung Shin & Dr. Ki-Joon Back
Email: karinck@uh.edu Research Interests: Beverage management and marketing, consumer behavior, food and beverage tourism, and wine business Faculty Advisor: Dr. Chris Taylor
Email: tsuh@CougarNet.UH.EDU Research Interests: Consumer behavior and luxury. Faculty Advisors: Dr. Ki-Joon Back and Dr. Minjung Shin
Email: echerenk@CougarNet.UH.EDU Research Interests: Technology in hospitality/corporate digital responsibility, hotel operations, food and beverage operations, improving operational efficiency, quantitative analysis, revenue management, feasibility studies/real estate Faculty Advisor: Dr. Minwoo Lee
Email: gekim@CougarNet.UH.EDU Research Interests: Supervisor support, restaurant management & operations, employee well-being in the hospitality industry, diversity and discrimination in the workplace Faculty Advisors: Dr. Dustin Maneethai and Dr. Juan Madera
Email: zlin22@CougarNet.UH.EDU Research Interests: Foodservice management, food safety, sustainability, food insecurity, entrepreneurship Faculty Advisor: Dr. Tiffany Legendre
Email: qsu3@CougarNet.UH.EDU Research Interests: Restaurant & hotel management service management, organizational behavior, research methodology, organizational culture in the workplace, improving employee well-being Faculty Advisors: Dr. Carl Boger and Dr. Juan Madera