Enrollment Activation
It is the responsibility of international students who are required to maintain health insurance to ACTIVATE their enrollment in the Student Health Insurance Plan or submit a WAIVER for each coverage period no later than the posted deadline.
The University of Houston will submit your eligibility to activate your enrollment in the Student Health Insurance Plan to Academic HealthPlans, the third-party plan administrator, throughout each term’s Open Enrollment Activation and Wavier period.
During the ENROLLMENT ACTIVATION and WAIVER period, uploads from the university will be processed daily at approximately 6:00 AM, 2:00 PM, and 10:00 PM. After the health insurance charge has been posted to your university account, allow approximately one (1) hour after the next scheduled upload before attempting to ACTIVATE your enrollment.
Your enrollment activation is processed through Academic HealthPlans, the third-party administrator for the UH System-endorsed Student Health Insurance Plan. The Student Health Center does not accept or process enrollment activation requests.
It is recommended that you complete this ACTIVATION at least one week prior to the beginning of the new coverage period to ensure you have access to your insurance account and that you can obtain healthcare services.
Failure to ACTIVATE your enrollment in a timely manner will result in a delay in your ability to use your Student Health Insurance Plan.
If you do not ACTIVATE your enrollment in the UH System-Endorsed Student Health Insurance Plan or obtain an APPROVED WAIVER by the posted deadline, the university will automatically activate your enrollment approximately 2-5 days after closing the Open Enrollment Period for the designated coverage period.
Student Health Insurance Coverage Periods
The UH System Policy defines the Student Health Insurance Plan coverage periods as follows:
- FALL: August 1 st - December 31 st
- SPRING/SUMMER: January 1 st – August 31 st
- SUMMER ONLY: June 1 st – August 31 st
- Cost per Coverage Period
The health insurance fee that is charged to your university account is based on the number of days in the coverage period.
The University of Houston System Policy [05.A.02] regarding F and J Visa International Student Health Insurance Requirements defines the Spring/Summer coverage period as January 1st - August 31st.
Students enrolled in UH System Endorsed Student Health Insurance Plan for a Spring term agree to this requirement by acknowledging the Health Insurance Notification and International Student Health Insurance Requirements, registering for classes as well as being enrolled in the plan.
There IS NOT a Spring-Only prorated coverage period. There are no exceptions to the Spring/Summer coverage period.
Online Enrollment Activation Periods
The Official Reporting Day listed for the regular session for each term is used as the posted deadline date for all sessions within that term.
- Summer 2025
May 26, 2025 (8:00 am CDT) - June 5, 2025 (5:00 pm CDT) - Fall 2025
July 25, 2025 (8:00 am CDT) – September 10, 2025 (5:00 pm CDT) - Spring 2026
December 18, 2025 (8:00 am CDT) – February 4, 2026 (5:00 pm CDT) - Summer 2026
May 19, 2026 (8:00 am CDT) – June 11, 2026 (5:00 pm CDT)
Insurance Enrollment Activation Instructions
(you wish to be enrolled in the UHS Student Health Insurance Plan):
- Go to Academic HealthPlans: Enrollment Activation and Waiver
- Select the 'Click Here to Activate Your Enrollment' link.
By clicking the "Click Here to Activate Your Enrollment" link, you confirm that you have read and understand the University of Houston System Policy concerning F and J Visa International Health Insurance Requirements. - Once you log in using your CougarNet ID and Password, select the enrollment option from the waiver dashboard by selecting the 'ENROLL' button under the "I Need Health Insurance" section. By entering your initials, you will be prompted to confirm your selection and agree to the Terms and Conditions.
- Once submitted, you will receive an on-screen confirmation and a confirmation email advising you of your enrollment. Your enrollment will be submitted for processing.
- Once you have activated your enrollment, log into or register for your Academic HealthPlans insurance account and update your address/email or phone. Once updated, your updates will be transmitted with your enrollment to the insurance carrier. You can use your online insurance account with Academic HealthPlans to confirm your coverage and coverage dates and find your member ID.
- Your enrollment information will be transmitted to the insurance carrier. Please allow 2 - 5 business days for processing.
How to Get an ID Card: The insurance carrier will not automatically send you an ID card.
Text “BCBSTXAPP” to 33633 to get the Blue Cross Blue Shield App or find it in the App Store or Google Play. You can use the BCBSTX App to view claim and benefit information and to view or print your insurance ID card.
You will need your Member ID from Academic HealthPlans to access this account for the first time.
It may take up to 5 business days to have your coverage available for verification or to obtain prescription benefits outside of the UH Student Health Center & Campus Pharmacy.
QUESTIONS: Contact Academic HealthPlans Customer Service at 1-855-824-9683 or by using the AHP Help contact form.
Students who have activated their enrollment in the UHS Student Health Insurance Plan must maintain coverage eligibility throughout the open enrollment period. If you fail to maintain the eligibility requirements during the open enrollment period, the health insurance fee could be credited to your university financial account and your enrollment in the UHS Student Health Insurance Plan canceled. Changes in your eligibility could include, but are not limited to: Dropping/withdrawing from all classes, deferring/canceling admissions, or changing your visa status to non-F or non-J.
Click here for information about dropping/withdrawing from classes or deferring/canceling admissions.
Click here for voluntary enrollment eligibility requirements.