The Center for Information Technology in Education has an entire team of people dedicated to helping you get the most technology in your teaching, research, and general office life. Learn more and gain access to support materials by visiting our CITE Resource site. Active Cougarnet credentials are required ( and password).
Computer Lab
Access to the CITE computer lab, equipment, and services are available exclusively to College of Education employees and enrolled students. The CITE Lab is closed on all University/Academic holidays or during campus closures.
Training Library
A collection of videos and/or written tutorials created or researched for the College of Education faculty, staff, and students. Training opportunities are available by request.
Help Ticket System
College of Education employees that have technical problems or requests should submit a CITE Help Ticket. All Help Tickets will be received and managed by our knowledgeable CITE team.
Data Security and Product Evaluations
Before using an external service for instructional or business operations, college employees may meet with our CITE staff to get advice and suggestions to ensure data security based on university guidelines and SAM/MAPP policies.
Equipment Checkout
Use portable CITE hardware for your next project. Students must be currently enrolled in an Education course and present a current University of Houston Cougar Identification Card to take equipment off-campus.
Poster Printing
At no additional cost, College employees and students may utilize our poster printer services. Take advantage of this service and make your next conference poster presentation stand out!
MyAdvisor Intranet System
Guides graduate students through essential milestones in their program. For information and advising, visit the Graduate Studies office located at 256-FH.
Farish Hall Room Request
Reserve a CITE computer lab or a classroom within the Farish Hall building for academic purposes. Complete the online room request form and a CITE representative will be in touch with you regarding the room request.
Frequently Asked Questions
Questions received by employees and students regarding our CITE services.
Learn more and gain access to support materials by visiting our CITE Resource site. Active Cougarnet credentials are required ( and password).