Nicolas Mabillard

Postdoctoral Researcher
Office: 494 Philip G. Hoffman Hall
Phone: 713.743.3945
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Ph.D., Sociology, University of Geneva (2021)
M.A., Anthropology, University of Neuchâtel (2014)
B.A., Social Anthropology, University of Fribourg (2012)
Dr. Mabillard is a postdoctoral researcher from the University of Geneva in Geneva, Switzerland. His research interests include the sociology of childhood, migration studies, African studies, social anthropology, medical anthropology, and the anthropology of law. Dr. Mabillard is currently working on a research grant with the Swiss National Science Foundation where he utilizes qualitative methods to study child fostering practices in Senegalese/Ghanaian ‘transnational families’ residing in the United States.