Helen Rose Ebaugh

Professor Emeritus
Phone: 713.743.3944
Email: ebaugh@uh.edu
Office: 466 Philip G. Hoffman Hall
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Ph.D., Columbia University
M.A., The University of Texas
B.A., Our Lady of the Lake University, San Antonio
Professor Ebaugh received her Ph.D. in sociology from Columbia University in 1975 with specialties in organizational sociology and the sociology of religion. In addition to five books, she has published numerous articles in scholarly journals, including The American Sociological Review, Social Forces, the Journal of Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly, Sociological Analysis and the Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion.
Ebaugh served as president of the National Association for the Sociology of Religion, helped organize and served as the first chair of the American Sociological Association’s section on the sociology of religion and is past president of the Society for the Scientific Study of Religion. Ebaugh received two consecutive research grants from the Pew Charitable Trusts to study religion and the new immigrants in the United States. The results from the first grant that focused on the role of religious congregations in the incorporation of new immigrants is described in "Religion and the New Immigrants: Adaptations and Continuities in New Immigrant Congrations" (AltaMira Press, 2000). The second book from the project, "Religion Across Borders: Transnational Religious Networks" (AltaMira Press, 2002) is an analysis of the impact of religious ties among immigrants in the United States and family/friends in their home countries.
With a major grant from the Lilly Endowment, Ebaugh studied inter-faith coalitions and their provision of social services. In addition to a national survey of these coalitions, she and her research team conducted fieldwork in 10-12 coalitions across the country, with focus upon the inter-relationships between coalitions and the religious congregations with which they partner in their joint effort to provide social services to the needy. In 2009, Ebaugh published a book on the Gülen movement, a transnational moderate Islamic movement devoted to education and interfaith dialog.
Selected Publications
- Ebaugh, H. R. 2009. "The Gülen Movement: A Sociological Analysis of a Civic Movement Rooted in Moderate Islam." Springer Press.
- H.R. Ebaugh and Janet S. Chafetz. Religion and the New Immigrants: Continuities and Adaptations in Immigrant Congregations. Walnut Creek, CA: AltaMira Press, 2000.
- H.R. Ebaugh and Janet S. Chafetz. Religion Across Borders: Transnational Religious Networks. AltaMira Press, 2002
- H.R. Ebaugh and Janet S. Chafetz. “Agents for Cultural Reproduction and Structural Change: The Ironic Role of Women in Immigrant Religious Institutions,” Social Forces, vol. 78, No. 2, Dec. 1999, pp. 585-613.
- Yang, Fenggang and H.R. Ebaugh. “Transformations in New Immigrant Religions and Their Global Implications,” American Sociological Review, vol. 66, 2001: 269-288.
- Yang, Fenggang and H.R. Ebaugh. “Religion and Ethnicity: The Impact of Majority/Minority Status in the Home and Host Countries.” The Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion. 40 (3) 2001: 367-378.
- Ebaugh, H.R., J.S. Chafetz, and P.F. Pipes. 2005. “Faith-Based Social Service Organizations and Government Funding.” Social Science Quarterly. 86:273-292.
- Ebaugh, H.R., J.S. Chafetz, and P.F. Pipes. 2005. “Funding Good Works: Funding Sources of Faith-Based Social Service Coalitions.” Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly. 34: 448-472.
- Ebaugh, H.R., J.S. Chafetz, and P.F. Pipes. 2006. “Where’s the Faith in Faith-Based Organizations? Measures and Correlates of Religiosity in Faith-Based Social Service Coalitions.” Social Forces. 84:2259-2272.
- Ebaugh, H.R., J.S. Chafetz and P.F. Pipes. 2006. “The Influence of Evangelicalism on Government Funding of Faith-Based Social Service Coalitions.” Review of Religious Research. 47:380-392.