Amanda Baumle

Professor and Director of Graduate Studies
Phone: 713.743.3944
Office: 493 Philip G. Hoffman Hall
Baumle CV
Ph.D., Texas A&M University
J.D., The University of Texas at Austin
B.A., Southwestern University
Dr. Amanda K. Baumle is a Professor and the director of graduate studies in the Department of Sociology at the University of Houston. Her research focuses on demography and sociology of law, with a particular focus on the demography of sexuality, trans demography, and LGBTQ individuals and the law. Her work has included examining economic outcomes, family relationships, migration patterns, and health outcomes for LGBTQ individuals. She has published articles in journals such as Social Forces, Social Science Research, Journal of Marriage and Family, Population & Development Review, Population Research and Policy Review, Journal of Homosexuality, and Social Science Quarterly that examine the intersections of law and demographic outcomes for sexual minorities and questions related to the U.S. Census. She is the lead author of Legalizing LGBT Families: How the Law Shapes Parenthood (NYU Press 2015), the author of Sex Discrimination and Law Firm Culture on the Internet: Lawyers at the 'Information Age Water Cooler' (Palgrave Macmillan 2009), the coauthor of Same-Sex Partners: The Demography of Sexual Orientation (SUNY 2009), the editor of the International Handbook of the Demography of Sexuality (Springer Press 2013), and the co-editor of Demography of Transgender, Nonbinary and Gender Minority Populations (Springer Press 2022). Her research has been supported by grants from the National Science Foundation, U.S. Department of Labor, and American Sociological Association. Her recent research includes examining sexual orientation and gender identity charges of discrimination filed with the EEOC, associations of violence victimization with health outcomes for sexual orientation and gender minorities, and predictors of fluidity in sexual identity among sexual minorities.
Research Interests
- Sociology of Law
- Demography of Sexuality
- Gender & Sexuality
- Sociology of Family
- Introduction to Sociology (Honors)
- Introduction to Social Statistics
- Social Demography
- Sexuality and Society
- Sociology of Law
- Independent Study
- Honors Thesis
- Graduate Seminar in Sociology of Law
- Graduate Seminar in Sociology of Sexuality
- Graduate Seminar in Sociological Theory
- Graduate Seminar in Population Studies
- Graduate Seminar in Research and Writing in the Social Sciences
- Proseminar
Selected Publications
- Baumle, Amanda K., Audrey K. Miller, & Elizabeth Gregory. Forthcoming. “Effects of State-Level Abortion and LGBT Laws and Policies on Interstate Migration Attitudes.” Population Research & Policy Review.
- Baumle, Amanda K., and Sonny Nordmarken, eds. 2022. Demography of Transgender, Nonbinary and Gender Minority Populations. New York: Springer Press.
- Baumle, Amanda K. and Dudley L. Poston, Jr. 2019. “Apportionment of the U.S. House of Representatives in 2020 Under Alternative Immigration-Based Scenarios.” Population & Development Review 45(2):379–400.
- Baumle, Amanda K., M.V. Lee Badgett, & Steven Boutcher. 2019. “New Research on Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity Discrimination: Effect of State Policy on Charges Filed at the EEOC.” Special issue, Journal of Homosexuality: Honoring the Lifetime Contributions of Dr. Gregory Herek 8:1135–1144.
- Baumle, Amanda K. 2018. “LGBT Family Lawyers: Evolution of Professional Identities and Practice.” Special issue, Family Court Review: Sexual Orientation, Gender Diversity, and Family Law 56(3):423–433.
- Baumle, Amanda K. 2018. “LGBT Family Lawyers and Same-Sex Marriage Recognition: How Legal Change Shapes Professional Identity and Practice.” Special issue, Journal of Homosexuality: The Impact of Same-Sex Marriage on LGBT Activism, Politics, and Communities 65(14):2053–2075.
- Baumle, Amanda K. 2018. “Legal Counseling and the Marriage Decision: The Impact of Same-Sex Marriage on Family Law Practice.” Special issue, Family Relations: Intersectional Variations in the Experiences of Queer Families 67:192–206.
- Baumle, Amanda K. and D’Lane R. Compton. 2017. “Love Wins? Legal Challenges for LGBT Families After Marriage Equality.” Contexts 16(1):30–35.
- Baumle, Amanda K. and D'Lane R. Compton. 2015. Legalizing LGBT Families: How the Law Shapes Parenthood. New York, NY: NYU Press.
- Baumle, Amanda K. and D'Lane R. Compton. 2014. "Identity Versus Identification: How LGBTQ Parents Identify their Children on Census Surveys." Journal of Marriage and Family 76:94–104.
- Baumle, Amanda K. 2013. "Same-Sex Cohabiting Elders versus Different-Sex Cohabiting and Married Elders: Effects of Relationship Status and Sex of Partner on Economic and Health Outcomes." Social Science Research 43:60–73.
- Baumle, Amanda K., Editor. 2013. International Handbook on the Demography of Sexuality. Dordrecht, The Netherlands: Springer Press.
- D'Lane R. Compton and Baumle, Amanda K. 2012. "Beyond The Castro: The Role of Demographics in the Selection of Gay and Lesbian Enclaves." Journal of Homosexuality 59(10):1327–1356.
- Baumle, Amanda K. and Dudley L. Poston. 2011. "The Economic Cost of Being Homosexual: A Multilevel Analysis." Social Forces 89:1005–1031.
- Baumle, Amanda K. and D'Lane R. Compton. 2011. "Legislating the Family: The Effect of State Family Laws on the Presence of Children in Same-Sex Households." Law & Policy 33:82–115.
- Poston, Dudley L. and Amanda K. Baumle. 2010. "Patterns of Asexuality in the United States." Demographic Research 23:509–530.
- Baumle, Amanda K. 2010. "Border Identities: Intersections of Ethnicity and Sexual Orientation in the U.S.-Mexico Borderland." Social Science Research 39: 231–245.
- Baumle, Amanda K. 2009. "The Cost of Parenthood: Unraveling the Effects of Sexual Orientation and Gender on Income." Social Science Quarterly 90:983–1002.
- Baumle, Amanda K., D'Lane Compton, and Dudley L. Poston, Jr. 2009. Same-Sex Partners: The Social Demography of Sexual Orientation. Albany, NY: State University of New York Press.
- Baumle, Amanda K. 2009. Sex Discrimination and Law Firm Culture on the Internet: Lawyers at the 'Information Age Water Cooler'. New York, NY: Palgrave Macmillan.
- Badgett, M.V. Lee, Amanda K. Baumle, Shawn Kravich, Adam P. Romero, and R. Bradley Sears. 2009. “The Impact on Maryland's Budget of Allowing Same-Sex Couples to Marry.” University of Maryland Journal of Race, Religion, Gender and Class 7: 295- 339.
- Baumle, Amanda K., Mark Fossett, and Warren Waren. 2008. “Strategic Annexation Under the Voting Rights Act: Racial Dimensions of Annexation Practices.” Harvard BlackLetter Law Journal 24: 81-115.
- Baumle, Amanda K., Editor. 2006. Demography in Transition: Emerging Trends in Population Studies. Newcastle-upon-Tyne, U.K.: Cambridge Scholars Press.
- Baumle, Amanda K. and Mark Fossett. 2005. “Statistical Discrimination in Employment: Its Practice, Conceptualization, and Implications for Public Policy.” American Behavioral Scientist 48: 1250-1274.
- Baumle, Amanda K. and Dudley L. Poston, Jr. 2004. “Apportioning the House of Representatives in 2000: The Effects of Alternative Policy Scenarios.” Social Science Quarterly 85: 578-603.