Clinical Services
START provides a range of programs designed to help people of all ages who experience anxiety, stress, and trauma-related problems, creating healthier lifestyles, and greater resilience. Accessibly priced, some programs are further subsidized through research grants or public health insurance. Treatment is based on the latest knowledge of cognitive behavioral therapy and is designed to address individual patient needs. Our programs can literally be life changing for sufferers. We offer treatment for children, adolescents, and adults. Additionally, we host evidenced-based training on assessment/treatment for clinicians.
In the past, our faculty has partnered with other community agencies, including school districts, the justice system, and halfway houses to provide low or no-cost services to children, adults and families. START will further integrate clinical service delivery with primary care and behavioral health providers to be a seamless service provider. START will fill in many current gaps in the current Houston mental health delivery system and work closely with groups that share our goals.