Delivery Services addresses campus mail needs

If you imagine the University of Houston main campus as its own little city, then Delivery Services would be its post office, a go-between for customers and delivery providers.

The department merged with the print shop around 2000 to form what eventually became known as Copy, Print and Delivery Services in the General Services Building, which is in the Cullen North District off Elgin Street. The DS team is responsible for all the packages and mail that it receives to and from the University.

“We get more than 1,000 pieces of mail and packages combined on average each day that we deliver to all the lockers on campus,” said Karen Flores, manager, Delivery Services.

Delivery Services

DS team delivers service for students, faculty/staff

Delivery Services categorizes its responsibilities under “Faculty and Staff Mail” and “Residential Mail” (students). The format of how a letter or package is addressed is important for it to reach its correct destination. Mail codes have been established following an addressing grid for all UH buildings and there is a format for the addresses of the resident halls.

The DS team has put together a list of mail and address FAQ online to help students and faculty/staff members find quick solutions to common questions. Other sources of information for students include: an overall guide, helpful hints, and suggestions for their family members/caregivers. A mailers guide for faculty/staff and a list of USPS federal holidays are also a click away.

“Our on webpages, we try to answer any delivery questions someone may have,” said Flores. “But if there is something a person needs extra help with, we are available on the phone or through email.”

DS administration duties include handling forms, updating information on PeopleSoft, and researching charges for customers. Departments can submit special mail handling requests for bulk mailings/large mailings, heavy packages, or time-sensitive accountable/tracking mailings.

locker system

New technology provides more convenience

The parcel locker system on campus provides a convenient way to make deliveries. Nine package lockers are nearby for residential students and nine package locker locations can be found throughout the grounds for faculty/staff. An FAQ on the locker system are available online for students and faculty/staff.

“The locker system has reduced the delivery time for recipients to receive their packages,” Flores said.

For Amazon shoppers, lockers for the hub Amarilda can be found by the entrance of Copy, Print and Delivery Services. The DS team has provided Amazon FAQ online to help with orders.

“The Amazon lockers provide students and faculty/staff with an additional option in the delivery of time-sensitive items,” Flores said.

Visit the Delivery Services website for additional information and updates.