University of Houston Undergraduate Tutoring Directory

UH Tutoring Centers and Programs
Program | Availability | Tutoring modality | Scheduling | Location | Contact | Times | Other details |
Accounting | Students enrolled in undergraduate accounting classes | in-person | Melcher Hall | ||||
Accounting 2301 | Students enrolled in ACCT 2301 or ACCT 2305 | in-person and online | online scheduling by emaili to |
133 Melcher Hall |
Monday - Thursday: Friday: |
American Chemical Society (ACS) Tutor Room | All undergraduate students taking an introductory chemistry course | in-person and online | Fleming, 220 | | Mon – Fri, 8 AM – 6 PM | ||
Athletics Academic Center for Excellence (ACE) | Student athletes | in-person and online | scheduled and drop-in | UH Alumni Center, 2nd floor Learning Support Services | |||
BCIS 1305 | Students enrolled in BCIS1305 and Honors Business Computer Information Systems classes | online via Zoom | details in Canvas on the course homepage | Monday-Thursday 10am-5pm | |||
Biology Recitation | All undergraduate students are allowed to come, but those placed by course exam diagnostic are required | ||||||
Business Statistics | Students enrolled in BUSI 2305-Business Statistics and STAT 3331-Statistical Analysis for Business Applications I | In-person and Online (via Teams) | Drop-in | MH 146 |
In-Person: Monday-Thursday 10am-7pm Online: Monday-Thursday 4pm-7pm and Friday 10am-3pm UH Extend students only: Monday & Wednesday 4-8pm, and Tuesday 5:30-8pm |
CASA (Center for Academic Support and Assessment) | All undergraduate students taking math courses | in-person | drop-in | CBB Room 234 |
Monday to Thursday: 9 - 6pm Friday: 9 - 2pm Saturday & Sunday: Closed |
Center for Student Engagement (CSE) | CSE program members | scheduled and drop-in | SS1 3rd floor | ||||
Challenger Program | Challenger Program members | drop-in | Challenger Office, SS1 3rd floor | By phone: (713) 743-5420 By email: |
Communication Disorders (COMD) | Undergraduate students taking COMD courses | in-person and online | scheduled | Melcher Life Sciences, M242 | | M-F varied | Department offers UG Support meetings each semester |
Computer Science Learning Center | COSC 1336, 1437, 2306, and 2436 | in-person and online | scheduled |
ConocoPhillips Computer Science Learning Center PGH 233 |
Dr. Carlos Rincon
Mondays & Wednesdays: 8:30 AM to 1:00 PM Tuesdays & Thursdays: 10 AM to 5:00 PM |
Finance 3332 | Students taking FINA 3332 | in-person and online | drop-in | Melcher Hall 131 (Zoom or Teams for online) |
Thomas, Austin D |
Monday to Friday from 8:30am to 5pm | |
GeoScience Learning Center | Undergraduate students taking EAS courses | in-person and online | drop-in | Fleming 136. | easglc@Central.UH.EDU | M-Th 8:30am - 6:30pm and F 8:30am - 5pm | |
Justin Dart, Jr. Student Accessibility Center | All students | Student study room | Building 568 4369 Cougar Village Dr., Room 100 | | |||
Knack | Students in specific courses | online | drop-in, on app | Knack app | Knack app | varies | Review this semester's eligible courses |
LAUNCH | All students | in-person | drop-in | Cougar Village 1 Room N109 | (713) 743-5411 | M-F 10am-5pm | Also offers success workshops and individual academic coaching |
Mathematics Undergraduate Student Lounge (MUSL) | All undergraduate Math Majors | in-person and online | scheduled by class | Fleming Rm. 11 | |||
Modern and Classical Languages (MCL) | Undergraduate students taking 1000-2000 level language courses | in-person and online | Scheduled by Departmental Programs | AH 662 | | Monday-Friday 9:00am-4:00pm | |
Physics Learning Center | All undergraduate students taking PHYS 1301, 1302, 2325, or 2326 | in-person and online | drop-in | SR1, room 526 | Monday-Friday from 9 am to 6 pm | ||
Physics Recitation | Physics 1301 & 1302 Recitations: All undergraduate students enrolled in Phys 1301 or Phys 1302 are allowed to come, but those placed by course exam are required. | ||||||
PROMES | E316 Engineering Building 2 | contact/contact-us |
Scholar Enrichment Program (SEP) | Undergraduate students enrolled in certaion math and science courses | in-person | drop-in | back of the M.D. Anderson Memorial Library, Rm. 56 | | Monday-Friday, 9am-4pm | |
Writing Center | All students | in-person and online | scheduled | Classroom and Business Building, Rm. 234 | (713) 743-3016 |
Mon. - Thurs. 9am - 7pm Availability varies by project/program |