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Become an Official

If you are interested in becoming an Intramural Sports official, please review the information below, attend the sport training days and complete the online Campus Recreation Student Employee application.

Job Description

An Intramural Sports official shall, to the best of their ability, officiate and/or keep accurate records of contests sponsored by the University of Houston Campus Recreation, in accordance with the rules of the sport and the regulations of the Department. The official is charged with the responsibility of maintaining orderly conduct on the court or field to which he/she is assigned and will perform other duties as outlined in the Duties and Responsibilities section below.

Duties & Responsibilities

  • Attend all clinics and meetings
  • Fulfill scheduled obligations.
  • Submit to periodic evaluations, both written and verbal.
  • Be attentive at all times – do not allow friends to visit or distract you while at work.
  • Arrive at work by the time designated by the schedule. You are paid for this time and it is not considered "early".
  • Obtain necessary equipment and score sheets when reporting to work and checking in with the supervisor.
  • Locate team captains, sign in players, and check the eligibility of team members 15 minutes prior to the start of the contest.
  • Enforce and document (under the rules of the sport and the regulations of the Department) any unsportsmanlike conduct by players, coaches, or spectators.
  • Ensure that game equipment functions properly and that games are played under safe conditions. Report the need for facility or equipment repairs to the supervisor on duty.
  • Report sportsmanship grades and comments of teams on score sheets and to supervisors after all games.
  • Immediately direct any Requests for Protest to the supervisor on duty.
  • Report any misuse of the facility or equipment, or any discipline problems from participants or spectators, to the sports supervisor immediately.
  • Report for reassignment in the event of forfeited games.
  • Frequently review the material in sport rulebooks.
  • Contact the supervisor in the event of an accident/injury. Remain with the injured party until relieved. Assist with an injury report form (as necessary).
  • Strive to maintain positive public relations; answer questions from participants or direct them to a supervisor.
  • Display positive sportsmanship while participating.

If you are interested, complete the job application, fill it out, and attend the scheduled sports training. For more information, please contact the Rec Sports office at (713) 743-8041. 

Sports Official's Training Clinics

Sport Date Time Lesson Location
Soccer Sep 23-25 6:00 - 8:00 pm Expectation & Rules CRWC 1002
Basketball Sep 30 - Oct 2 6:00 - 8:00 pm Expectation & Rules CRWC 1002

Dates and times are subject so make sure you attend the first day of each training.