A memorial service for Michael Gorman, a long-time University of Houston physics professor who died last month, will be held on campus Sunday, Jan. 16.
The service will be at 1:30pm in the A. D. Bruce Religion Center at UH. Gorman collapsed suddenly the morning of Dec. 17 at the Science and Research 1 Building and was later pronounced dead. He was 62.
“Dr. Gorman was a very conscientious, excellent teacher and faculty member, a strong supporter to his department in all respects,” said John Bear, former dean of the College of Natural Sciences and Mathematics.
Gorman’s funeral service was held in St. Louis, where he was born. He joined the UH faculty in 1981 and was promoted to full professor in 1999. He was a leading researcher in the experimental study of flame dynamics and chaotic dynamics. Gorman was also active in campus affairs, previously having served as associate chair of the physics department and as a member of the faculty senate.
The physics department will be setting up a memorial scholarship in Gorman’s name for those who would like to contribute to his legacy. For more information, please contact Jennifer Chin Davis at jchindavis@uh.edu or 713-743-3524.
“He was a very well-liked teacher, colleague and friend, and we’ll miss him very much,” said Larry Pinsky, chair of the physics department.