Thesis Defense - University of Houston
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Thesis Defense

In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Master of Science

Cedric Robinet

will defend his thesis

Operating Room awareness with the Smart Trocar: innovative laparoscopic surgeryn


Laparoscopic surgery is a popular alternative to open surgery due to the considerable reduction of recovery time, pain, scars and complications. During laparoscopic surgery, operations are performed far from their location through small incisions (usually around 1 cm) elsewhere in the body. However, limited access to the operating field, indirect 2D vision, with mirror effect, of a 3D complex scene, and operating rooms originally built for open surgery conspire to make the surgeon’s work more difficult and inefficient. We present a new technology, the Smart Trocar, which can compensate these drawbacks by prov iding a global positioning system of the laparoscopic tools that are inserted into the ports. Our system uses a single wireless camera, which stays outside the body and tracks some features inside the Operating Room. With this simple and cheap device, we can, at any time, within few millimeters accuracy, both recognize and localize the surgical rigid instruments. Applications of this invention are multiple: we will show how it can be used for surgery procedure assessment, or how we can use the Smart Trocar to analyze tools paths and evaluate surgical dexterity of resident in order to improve their training.

Date: Tuesday, July 28, 2015
Time: 2:00 PM
Place: PGH 550
Advisor: Prof. Marc Garbey

Faculty, students, and the general public are invited.