Moores School of Music Purchase Tickets Now! School of Theatre & Dance Purchase Tickets Now! Moores Opera Center Purchase Tickets Now!
7:00 pm8:00 pm Student Recital - Sarah Dyer (voice) Vocalist, Sarah Dyer presents a recital at St. Paul’s United Methodist Church.
7:30 pm8:30 pm Student Doctoral Recital - Mohammad Salman (voice) Mohammad Salman presets a Doctoral recital in Cullen Hall.
8:30 pm9:30 pm Student Recital : Julian Diaz (voice) Julian Diaz presents a vocal senior recital in Choral Recital Hall.
8:30 pm9:30 pm Student Recital : Carlos Villatoro (clarinet) Clarinetist, Carlos Villatoro presents a senior recital.