Moores School of Music Purchase Tickets Now! School of Theatre & Dance Purchase Tickets Now! Moores Opera Center Purchase Tickets Now!
5:00 pm6:00 pm Student Doctoral Recital : Yunyoung Na (organ) Yunyoung Na presents a Doctoral recital on organ at St. Philip Presbyterian Church located at 4807 San Felipe St, Houston TX 77056
6:30 pm7:30 pm Student Recital - Andrew Burnett (clarinet) Clarinetist, Andrew Burnett presents a senior recital in Dudley Recital Hall.
6:30 pm7:30 pm Student Recital : Hanna Murphy (piano) Pianist, Hanna Murphy presents a junior recital in Dudley Hall.
8:30 pm9:30 pm Student Recital : Ben Petree & Sorin Peña (Composition) Ben Petree & Sorin Peña presents a joint junior composition recital.
8:30 pm9:30 pm Student Masters Recital : Alexandra Gorman (Voice) Vocalist Alexandra Gorman presents a Masters recital in Dudley Hall.