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Hobby Talks


Hobby Talks is a podcast series from the Hobby School of Public Affairs produced in partnership with the Center for Student Media at the University of Houston. Hosted by Dean Jim Granato and Hobby School faculty, the podcast features timely conversations on politics and policy with experts, scholars and those guiding the most complex challenges facing our region and state.  

Launched in Nov. 2024, Hobby Talks expands the school’s access to thought-provoking discussions and encourages cross-disciplinary dialogue on relevant issues. 

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New episodes premiere during the fall and spring semesters. Tune in on Apple, Spotify or your favorite podcast app. 

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State of Public Education with Robert Pondiscio


On the next episode of Hobby Talks, host Jim Granato will sit down with education policy expert Robert Pondiscio to discuss the state of public education in Texas and across the country. Pondiscio will take listeners through the education reform landscape, reflecting on its history and fast-forwarding to today's most significant challenges. The former public school teacher will focus on the state's pivotal moment on school vouchers and the latest developments from the largest school district in Texas under state-appointed leadership. Pondiscio will deliver a public lecture for the Elizabeth D. Rockwell Center on Ethics and Leadership at the University of Houston on March 27. The Hobby Talks episode will be available on April 3.

About the Speaker

Robert Pondiscio is a senior fellow at the American Enterprise Institute (AEI), a public policy think tank. Before joining AEI, Pondiscio was a policy analyst and education reform expert at the Thomas B. Fordham Institute, an education policy think tank. He previously worked as an adviser and civics teacher at Democracy Prep Public Schools. Before that, he was in journalism for 20 years, including in senior positions at Time and BusinessWeek. Pondiscio has authored several books, including "How the Other Half Learns: Equality, Excellence, and the Battle over School Choice."