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Spring 2013 Ph.D.’s getting on the career track
CLASS graduate students leaving with terminal degrees and jobs in their fields
Department of Economics
Doruk Ilgaz has accepted a position as a Senior Product Developer doing fixed-income analytics with Factset Research Systems in Norwalk, Conn.
Olena Ogrokhina has accepted a tenure-track Assistant Professorship at Lafayette College in Easton, Penn. beginning this fall.
Gokcen Ogruk has accepted a tenure-track Assistant Professorship at Texas Wesleyan University In Fort Worth beginning this fall.
Mykhailo Sitiuk has accepted a tenure-track Assistant Professorship in the Graduate School of Economics and Management at the Ural Federal University, in Russia, beginning this fall.
Department of English
Zack Bean, Fiction Writing, has accepted a three-year Visiting Assistant Professorship at Montana State University in Bozeman.
Will Donnelly, Fiction Writing, has accepted a tenure-track Assistant Professor position at Berry College in Mount Berry, Ga. beginning this fall.
Janine Joseph, Creative Writing, has accepted a tenure-track Assistant Professorship in Poetry at Weber State in Ogden, Utah.
Michelle Miley, Rhetoric and Composition, has accepted a tenure-track Assistant Professor position at Montana State University in Bozeman beginning this fall.
Moores School of Music
Kevin M. Moody, Doctor of Musical Arts in Choral Conducting, has been appointed as the Chair of the Music Department at Alvin Community College.
Department of Political Science
Bianca Easterly has accepted a tenure-track Assistant Professor position at Lamar University in Beaumont.
George Hawley has accepted a tenure-track Assistant Professor position at the University of Alabama at Tuscaloosa. Dr. Hawley graduated in Spring 2012 and was a fellow in the Honors College in the 2012-2013 academic year.
Marwa Shalaby has accepted a fellowship at the Program on Women and Human Rights in the Middle East at the Baker Institute for Public Policy, Rice University.
Department of Psychology
Terri Barrera, Clinical Psychology, has accepted an advanced psychology research fellowship with the South Central Mental Illness Research Education and Clinical Center affiliated with the Houston Veterans Administration Hospital. Her research will focus on evidence-based treatments for post-traumatic stress disorder and anxiety among military veterans.