Curriculum for M.A. in Sport and Fitness Administration
To obtain a Master of Arts (M.A.) in Sport and Fitness Administration, students must complete a minimum of 36 semester hours and successfully complete the Master of Arts Comprehensive Examination with a passing evaluation. The program of study will be comprised of the following core areas and program area emphasis courses:
- Comprehensive Examination Content Courses (12 semester hours)
- Program Emphasis Courses (15 semester hours)
- Approved Electives (9 semester hours)
*Students opting for a thesis option (instead of taking the M.A. Comprehensive Exam) will follow a similar program of study, but may be required to take two additional research oriented courses to facilitate their study. Additional research technique courses for the thesis option are available on this webpage (click here for more information on courses required for the M.A. Thesis-Based Option).
Comprehensive Examination Content Courses (12 hours)
Course Description
Instruments and techniques of measurement utilized in physical and health education.
Credit Hours: 3 credit hours
Course Description
Examination of factors influencing sport participation, issues related to the conduct of sports programs, and impact of sport experiences upon values and behavior of participants.
Credit Hours: 3 credit hours
Course Description
The application of fundamental theories and administrative strategies pertaining to the organizational structure, personnel, management, and public relations in sport and exercise programs.
Credit Hours: 3 credit hours
Course Description
A critical analysis concerning the development and implementation of risk management strategies for sports, health, and fitness programs.
Credit Hours: 3 credit hours
Program Emphasis Courses (15 hours)
Course Description
Examines the goals, structure, membership, policies, practices, and politics of sport organizations. Emphasis will be placed on the Olympic Movement and the American professional and amateur sports.
Credit Hours: 3 credit hours
Course Description
This course focuses on how the media is managed by entities within the sports industry to garner support, increase spectatorship, and gain public favor.
Credit Hours: 3 credit hours
Course Description
Development of skills and strategies utilized in sport promotion.
Credit Hours: 3 credit hours
Course Description
Problems and discussion for advanced students. Emphasis on relationship of school and community agencies. May be repeated for credit when topics vary.
Credit Hours: 3 credit hours
Course Description
Coming soon..
Credit Hours: 3 credit hours
Course Description
Theoretical principles and practical application of strategies employed in the administration of sport, exercise, and fitness oriented facilities.
Credit Hours: 3 credit hours
Course Description
Fundamental strategies frequently used in financing sport, exercise, and fitness programs. Course may serve as an elective in either the master or doctoral program.
Credit Hours: 3 credit hours
Course Description
This course is an examination of the role of intercollegiate athletics in higher education from historical, sociological, economic, and administrative perspectives. Through a variety of critical readings, this course intends to engage the following topics: Historical Overview of Intercollegiate Athletics and Its Governing Bodies, The Mission of Higher Education and Athletic Departments, Title IX legislation and Intercollegiate Athletics, The Organization Structure of Intercollegiate Athletic Departments, Academic Reform and Intercollegiate Athletics, Other Pertinent Topics Relevant to Intercollegiate Athletics.
Credit Hours: 3 credit hours
Course Description
The purpose of this seminar is to provide the student with a broad exposure to research on diversity issues in sport studies literature. Student will undertake a broad review of different research theories and methodologies. Students will review the literature of diversity and sport organizations and critique this literature.
Credit Hours: 3 credit hours
Course Description
Part or full-time experience in educational situations under faculty and field representative direction and supervision. Seminars.
Credit Hours: 3 credit hours
Approved Electives (9 hours)
Courses not taken above may also be used to satisfy elective requirements.
- FIN 6387 - Managerial Analysis
- HRMA 6355 - Event Administration
- MANA 6332 - Organizational Behavior
- MANA 7332 - Effective Negotiating
- MARK 6361 - Marketing Administration
- MANA 7336 – Human Resource Management
- MANA 7338 – Org Power Politics & Culture
- MANA 7339 – Leadership Development
- MANA 7356 – Diversity Management
- COMM 7397 – Social Media and Change
- COMM 6309 – Propaganda
- COMM 6371 – Public Relations Theory
- COMM 7397 – Current Issues in Advertising
Above Electives are examples of course that have been previously approved. Please see advisor for more information on elective selection.