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Courses: Physical Education Basic Instruction Program (PEB)College: Liberal Arts and Social Sciences
Any TCCN equivalents are indicated in square brackets [ ].
PEB 1101: Role of Exercise and Fitness on Health
Cr. 1. (0-3). Analysis of physical fitness and cardiovascular disease risk
and the development of an individualized exercise program for health
PEB 1102: Indoor Cycling
Cr. 1. (0-3). Proper techniques of cycling to maintain or improve
cardiovascular and neuromuscular health through instructor guided
activities and assignments.
PEB 1103: Tai Chi
Cr. 1. (0-3). Instruction of nonaggressive martial art forms intended to
enhance mental focus, muscular endurance, and strength in the lower
PEB 1105: Zumba
Cr. 1. (0-3). Hands on instruction for a Latin-inspired dance fitness program.
PEB 1106: Mano Yoga
Cr. 1. (0-3). Introduction to the philosophy and practice of Mano Yoga
meditation and the significance of breathing and visualization.
PEB 1107: Hatha Yoga
Cr. 1. (0-3). Hands-on instruction of yoga postures, movements, breathing
exercises, and relaxation techniques with an introduction to its
supporting philosophies.
PEB 1108: Ultimate Frisbee
Cr. 1. (0-3). Combination of the best features of soccer, basketball, and
American football in one non-contact team sport. Rules and strategies
of the game, participants may improve their overall fitness levels.
PEB 1109: Urban Movement Experience
Cr. 1. (0-3). Contemporary movement activities and theories under guided instruction.
PEB 1110: Combative Sports
Cr. 1. (0-1). Instruction and practice in a variety of fighting styles as
well as assignments to foster an understanding of different fighting
PEB 1111: Pilates
Cr. 1. The system of mine-body exercises developed from the rehabilitation techniques of Joseph Pilates. May be repeated for credit.
PEB 1112: Hatha Yoga II
Cr. 1. (0-1). Prerequisites: PEB 1107 or permission of instructor. Instruction in variety of yoga poses and breathing techniques. Emphasis on anatomy and alignment. May be repeated for credit.
PEB 1113: Wii Performance
Cr. 1. (0-3). Instruction and practice of posture, center of balance, improvement of knowledge of health and fitness, and basic principles of proper nutrition utilizing Nintendo Wii.
PEB 1117 through 1121: Selected Aquatics
Cr. 1. (0-3). The teaching of beginning and advanced swimming techniques. May be repeated for credit when topics vary.
PEB 1125 through 1143: Selected Lifetime Sports for the College Student
Cr. 1. (0-3). The concepts and skills involved in a variety of recreational
and individual sports. May be repeated for credit when topics vary.
PEB 1144 through 1149: Selected Team Sports
Cr. 1. (0-3). The teaching of skills and concepts of various team sports. May be repeated for credit when topics vary.
PEB 1151 through 1154: Selected Exercise Activities
Cr. 1. (0-3). Understanding and development of fitness through a
variety of exercise activities. May be repeated for credit when topics
PEB 1251: Exercise for Health and Fitness
Cr. 2. (1-2). Analysis of the relationship between exercise and health;
development of an acceptable level of physical fitness including these
components: cardiorespiratory endurance, body composition, and
musculoskeletal function. Concurrent lab enrollment required.
PEB 4198: Independent Study
Cr. 1 per semester. Prerequisite: approval of department chair.
PEB 4298: Independent Study
Cr. 2 per semester. Prerequisite: approval of department chair.
PEB 4398: Independent Study
Cr. 3 per semester. Prerequisite: approval of department chair.
Catalog Publish Date: August 22, 2012
This Page Last Updated: April 11, 2013