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Courses: Communication Sciences and Disorders (COMD)College: Liberal Arts and Social Sciences
Any TCCN equivalents are indicated in square brackets [ ].
COMD 1333: Introduction to Communication Disorders
Cr. 3. (3-0). The field of communication disorders including history of
professions in communication disorders and overview of a variety of
disorder areas and career opportunities.
COMD 2338: Phonetics
3. (3-0). Analysis of spoken English in articulatory, perceptual, and
acoustic terms, with emphasis on general American dialect and its
phonetic transcription.
COMD 2376: Anatomy for Communication
Cr. 3. (3-0). Prerequisite: declared PRE-COMD major. Anatomic and physiologic mechanisms underlying swallowing, language, speech and other communication modalities. Systems covered include respiration, phonation, articulation/resonance, deglutition, and the nervous system.
COMD 2385: Speech Science
Cr. 3. (3-0). Prerequisites: declared Pre-COMD Major and COMD 2376. Theoretical and physiological aspects of speech production and perception. Contributions of respiratory, laryngeal, velopharyngeal, and articulatory systems to speech production; physical and speech acoustics; speech across the life span.
COMD 2396: Selected Topics in Communication Sciences and Disorders
Cr. 3. (3-0). Prerequisites: COMD major and consent of department chair. Exploration of specific interests such as bilingual speech and language development, language science, and research in communication sciences and disorders.
COMD 2439: Speech and Language Development (formerly COMD 2339)
Cr. 4. (3-1). Theories and descriptions of typical development of language and speech from infancy through adolescence.
COMD 3301: Deaf Culture
Cr. 3. (3-0). Deaf culture: behaviors, beliefs, psychology, education,
language, myths, history and attitude toward others, from the
perspective of deaf people and those who work with them.
COMD 3375: Speech and Language Disorders in Children
3. (3-0). Prerequisite: approved COMD Major. Theories and research related to phonological and language disorders in children. General diagnostic and intervention approaches for children with phonological and language-based problems.
COMD 3380: Professional Writing in Communication Sciences and Disorders
3. (3-0). Prerequisite: approved COMD Major. Intensive writing and critical reading/thinking about topics relevant to communication sciences and disorders.
COMD 3381: Audiology
3. (3-0). Prerequisite: approved COMD Major or approved COMD Minor. Techniques and instrumentation used for evaluation of hearing. Rationale for audiometric tests practice in testing, and nonmedical interpretation of results.
COMD 3396: Selected Topics in Communication Sciences and Disorders
Cr. 3. (3-0). Prerequisites: junior standing, COMD major and consent of department chair. Exploration of specific interests such as bilingual speech and language development, language science, and research in communication sciences and disorders.
COMD 3399: Senior Honors Thesis in Communication Disorders
Cr. 3. (3-0). Prerequisite: consent of department chair. Both COMD 3399 and 4399 must be taken before credit is received for either, and the courses must be taken in sequence
COMD 4399: Senior Honors Thesis in Communication Disorders
Cr. 3. (3-0). Prerequisite: consent of department chair. Both COMD 3399 and 4399 must be taken before credit is received for either, and the courses must be taken in sequence.
COMD 4399: Senior Honors Thesis in Communication Disorders
Cr. 3. (3-0). Prerequisite: consent of department chair. Both COMD 3399 and 4399 must be taken before credit is received for either, and the
courses must be taken in sequence.
COMD 4198: Independent Study in Communication Sciences and Disorders
Cr. 3. (3-0). senior standing, COMD major and consent of department chair. Offered to advanced COMD majors who wish to explore specific interests such as bilingual speech and language development, language science, and research in communication sciences and disorders.
COMD 4333: Neuroscience for Communication Disorders
Cr. 3. (3-0). Prerequisites: approved COMD Major, COMD 2376, 2385, and 3380. Foundations of neuroanatomy and
neurophysiology relevant to speech, language, cognition, and swallowing.
COMD 4398: Independent Study
Cr. 3 per semester, or more by concurrent enrollment. Prerequisite: approval of department chair. Undergraduate credit only.
COMD 4382: Aural Rehabilitation
Cr. 3. (3-0). Prerequisites: approved COMD Majors or approved COMD Minors and COMD 3381. Principles, methodology, and procedures used
with children and adults living with hearing impairment. Includes
amplification devices, communication skills training, educational
programming, and current issues.
COMD 4399: Senior Honors Thesis in Communication Disorders
Cr. 3. (3-0). Prerequisites: consent of department chair. Both COMD 3399 and 4399 must be taken before credit is received for either, and the course must be taken in sequence.
COMD 4489: Clinical Procedures
Cr. 4. (3-1). Prerequisites: approved COMD Major with minimum of 22 semester hours of COMD courses completed and 2.67 GPA in major. Conceptual models and application strategies for clinical
management of communication disorders in adults and children.
*Note: These COMD classes listed below are designated for the Speech Language Pathology Assistant Certificate Program
COMD 5241: Applied Professional Ethics for the SLPA
Cr. 2. (2-0). Prerequisites: COMD 5341, 5342, 5343, 5345, 5346, 5348, 5349, 5441 or permission from the program coordinator. Issues pertinent to the professional life of the SLPA. Explores scope of service, licensure and registration, ethics, team membership, culturally sensitive practice, interpretation and translation services, and conflict resolution.
COMD 5341: Competencies and Strategies for the SLPA I
Cr. 3 . (3-0). Prerequisites: Must be admitted to the SLPA Certificate Program. Roles and responsibilities of the SLPA. Rules and regulations in public school settings, service delivery models, health and safety, assistive technology, and introduction to intervention strategies and data collection.
COMD 5342: Competencies and Strategies for the SLPA II
3 . (3-0). Prerequisites: Must be admitted to the SLPA Certificate
Program. Roles and responsibilities of the SLPA. Screening, cultural competence, working with interpreters, the psychosocial impatct of communication disorders, advanced data collection and effective collaboration with team members.
COMD 5343: Aural Rehabilitation for the SLPA
3 . (3-0). Prerequisites: Must be admitted to the SLPA Certificate
Program. Principles, methodology, and procedures used with children and adults living with hearing impairment. Includes amplification devices, communication skills training, educational programming, and current issues relevant to the SLPA.
COMD 5345: Speech and Language Disorders in Children for the SLPA
3 . (3-0). Prerequisites: Must be admitted to the SLPA Certificate
Program. Theories and research related to phonological and language development and disorders in pre-school children. General diagnostic and remedial approaches for children with phonological and language-based problems relevant to SLPA.
COMD 5346: Speech and Language Disorders in Adults for the SLPA
3 . (3-0). Prerequisites: Must be admitted to the SLPA Certificate
Program. Theories and research related to acquired speech and language disorders in adults. General diagnostic and remedial approaches for adults including aphasia, motor speech disorders, voice disorders and cognitive communication disorders.
COMD 5348: Phonetics for the SLPA
3 . (3-0). Prerequisites: Must be admitted to the SLPA Certificate
Program. Analysis of spoken English in articulatory, perceptual, and acoustic terms, with emphasis on general American dialect and its phonetic transcription for the SLPA.
COMD 5441: SLPA Externship I
Cr. 4. (0-4). Prerequisites: COMD 5341, 5343, 5345, 5346, 5348, 5449, or permission from the program coordinator. Supervised clinic experience in school, clinic, or hospital setting 4 hours per week for 12 weeks. Development of clinical skills, professionalism, and developing competencies for ethical and effective clinical practice.
COMD 5442: SLPA Externship II
Cr. 4. (0-4). Prerequisites: COMD 5341, 5342, 5343, 5345, 5346, 5348, 5441, 5449
or permission from the program coordinator. Supervised clinic experience in school, clinic, or hospital setting 4 hours per week for 12 weeks. Development of clinical skills, professionalism, and developing competencies for ethical and effective clinical practice.
COMD 5449: Speech and Language Development for the SLPA
Cr. 4. (3-1). Prerequisite: Must be admitted to the SLPA Certificate
Program. Theories and descriptions of typical development of language and speech from infancy through adulthood for the SLPA.
Catalog Publish Date: August 22, 2012
This Page Last Updated: April 11, 2013