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Courses: Interdisciplinary Liberal Arts and Social Sciences (ILAS)College: Liberal Arts and Social Sciences
Any TCCN equivalents are indicated in square brackets [ ].
The College of Liberal Arts and Social Sciences and the Honors College offer interdisciplinary courses that fall outside normal departmental boundaries. Qualified students may take these courses for elective credit and, with approval, use the courses to satisfy degree requirements.
ILAS 1198: Independent Study
Cr. 1 per semester or more by concurrent enrollment. Prerequisite: consent of the dean.
ILAS 1298: Independent Study
Cr. 2 per semester or more by concurrent enrollment. Prerequisite: consent of the dean.
ILAS 1396: Selected Topics in Interdisciplinary Studies
Cr. 3 per semester. Prerequisite: consent of instructor. May be repeated for credit when topics vary.
ILAS 1398: Independent Study
Cr. 1-3 per semester or more by concurrent enrollment. Prerequisite: consent of the dean.
ILAS 1596: Selected Topics in Interdisciplinary Studies
Cr. 5. (5-0). Prerequisite: consent of instructor. May be repeated for credit when topics vary.
ILAS 2198: Independent Study
Cr. 1 per semester or more by concurrent enrollment. Prerequisite: consent of the dean.
ILAS 2298: Independent Study
Cr. 2 per semester or more by concurrent enrollment. Prerequisite: consent of the dean.
ILAS 2350: Introduction to Liberal Studies
Cr. 3. (3-0). Prerequisite: ENGL 1304. Readings in theory and methods of liberal arts, across disciplines. Study of humanities, social sciences, natural sciences, the relationships between them, and the centrality of humanities in interdisciplinary understanding.
ILAS 2360: Cosmic Narratives
Cr. 3. (3-0). Prerequisite: ENGL 1304. Narrative history of the Universe from its beginnings to the present emphasizing relevance of cosmic narratives to the human situation.
ILAS 2396: Selected Topics in Interdisciplinary Studies
Cr. 3. (3-0). May be repeated when topics vary.
ILAS 2398: Independent Study
Cr. 3 per semester or more by concurrent enrollment. Prerequisite: consent of the dean.
ILAS 3198: Independent Study
Cr. 1 per semester or more by concurrent enrollment. Prerequisite: consent of dean.
ILAS 3298: Independent Study
Cr. 2 per semester or more by concurrent enrollment. Prerequisite: consent of dean.
ILAS 3390: Museum Internship at Blaffer Art Museum
Cr. 3. Prerequisites: junior standing and consent of instructor. Internship at Blaffer undertaken in one or more of the following: curatorial, education, external affairs, public relations and membership, registrar. May be repeated once for credit with consent of instructor.
ILAS 3398: Independent Study
Cr. 3 per semester or more by concurrent enrollment. Prerequisite: consent of dean.
ILAS 3396: Selected Topics in Interdisciplinary Studies
Cr. 3. (3-0). Prerequisite: consent of instructor. May be repeated for credit when topics vary.
ILAS 4198: Independent Study
Cr. 1 per semester. Prerequisite: consent of dean.
ILAS 4298: Independent Study
Cr. 2 per semester. Prerequisite: consent of dean.
ILAS 4350: Liberal Studies Senior Seminar
Cr. 3. (3-0). Prerequisites: ENGL 1304 and junior standing. Classic works in world literature from across the disciplines. Students will integrate content and methodology from their three minors that constitute the Liberal Studies major, aimed at a broad Liberal Studies perspective.
ILAS 4394: Special Topics - Collaboration in the Arts
3. (3-0). Prerequisite: consent of instructor. Study and practice of
collaboration among the arts. The collaboration to involve at least
two of the following areas: art, creative writing, music, and/or
theatre. May be repeated for credit when topics vary.
ILAS 4396: Selected Topics in Interdisciplinary Studies
Cr. 3 per semester. (3-0). May be repeated for credit when topics vary.
ILAS 4398: Independent Study
Cr. 3 per semester. Prerequisite: consent of dean.
Catalog Publish Date: August 22, 2012
This Page Last Updated: April 16, 2013