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Grants to Enhance and Advance Research

If you require the help of DOR's proposal team, make sure you send an email with the request to at least five business days prior to the deadline.

The GEAR program is designed to increase and diversify research funding at the University of Houston (UH). Funds for this program are derived from the indirect costs (IDC) of funded research awards. The GEAR program seeks bold new ideas, showing clear evidence of a high likelihood of securing extramural grant funding in the short term and viability as a research program in the long-term. Only proposals that meet this purpose will be considered and reviewed.

The GEAR program is not a supplement to currently funded research projects or to new faculty startup funds. Faculty members with current funding who are developing new areas of research are encouraged to apply provided they can demonstrate a clear distinction between the proposed research and their currently funded research lines. A total of $240,000 is available for the GEAR program.

Pre-proposals are due to colleges on Friday, November 1, 2024 before 5 p.m. (CST)
Full proposals are due to the DOR by Tuesday, January 28, 2025 before 5 p.m. (CST)
No proposals will be accepted after the deadline.

The FY25 GEAR Allocations

Bauer College 1
College of Medicine 1
College of Nursing 1
College of the Arts 1
Education 2
Engineering 8
Gerald D Hines Arch & Design 1
Grad College of Social Work  2
Hobby School (Ph) 1
Hotel & Restaurant Management 1
Law 1
Liberal Arts & Social Sciences 3
Natural Sciences & Mathematics 6
Optometry 2
Pharmacy 2