Online Resources
UH RCR Researcher Tools
- The library has created a Guide on Data Management Resources: "This guide is for researchers at the University of Houston in all disciplines and at all levels. Here we discuss core elements of research data management and provide guidance about managing data and related materials."
- UH Data Management Policy: MAPP 08.03.01 Data Management and Sharing (PDF)
- Manage Your Data Better: Data Management Plans
External Resources
- ORI Introduction to the Responsible Conduct of Research by Nicholas H. Steneck, PhD, Illustrations by David Zinn
- RCR Casebook: Stories about Researchers Worth Discussing case studies in several of the RCR core areas
- The “Lab: Avoiding Research Misconduct” is an interactive movie
- Gunsalus, C. & Robinson, Aaron. (2018). Nine pitfalls of research misconduct Nature 557(7705):297-299
- Elizabeth Pain (11/19/2010). Responsible Conduct of Research for Junior Researchers Science Careers. Online. doi:10.1126/science.caredit.a1000111
- Jeffrey Mervis (8/17/2017) NSF reiterates policy on teaching good research habits despite its limitations Science News. Online. doi:10.1126/science.aao7114
- Elizabeth Pain (2/18/2016) Responsible research guidelines for the global scientist Science Careers.. Online. doi:10.1126/science.caredit.a1600029
- Katarina Zimmer (June 2020) When Your Supervisor Is Accused of Research Misconduct The Scientist 34(06):54-57
- University of Southern California (USC)
- Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)
- National Institutes of Health
- Online Ethics Center for Engineering and Science