Faculty Profile
Carlos R. Ordonez
Department of Physics
Office: Science & Research 1, 627B
Contact: ordonez@uh.edu - (713) 743-3586
Education: Ph.D., University of Texas at Austin
Dr. Carlos Ordonez has had a long-term interest in quantum field theory and effective lagrangians and its applications in particle and gravitational physics. He has also used the concepts and techniques of effective lagrangians in nuclear (Weinberg’s chiral lagrangians program) and condensed matter physics.
Ordonez is currently investigating the role of conformal quantum mechanics (CQM) in black hole thermodynamics and its possible connection with string theory, mainly with his colleague Horacio Camblong from the University of San Francisco. This work has been supported in the past by the National Science Foundation and the State of Texas, and it includes an active collaboration with his graduate students.
More recently, Ordonez was awarded a grant from the U.S. Army (ARO) to investigate SO(2,1) quantum anomalies in 2D ultracold atoms and other systems with similar symmetry. Seven papers related to this grant have been written since March 2015. The main paper that provided the framework for this research – Anomalies and Virial Theorems – was published in Physica A. Ordonez and his students are actively working on the proposed research, and they expect to see more publications in 2016. With Camblong, they are in the process of writing several articles on the relationship between CQM and the Unruh effect and Hawking radiation.
Ordonez’ work in CQM and in nuclear physics was cited on the statement by the American Physical Society as key reasons to elect him as a Fellow in 2009.
Honors and Awards
- Edward A. Bouchet Award for 2023, American Physical Society
- Certificate of Recognition, Great Minds in STEM HENAAC Award, 2015
- Short-list Finalist, BBVA 2010 Award – Spanish “Nobel Prize” – Development Category, 2010
- Fellow, American Physical Society, 2009
- John Wheatley Award, American Physical Society, 2009
- KITP (Kavli) Scholar, 2006-2008
- Willy Velasquez Honoree, Houston, Texas, 2000
- Medal by the Pope, H.H. John Paul II, at the Vatican, in representation of the World Federation of Scientists on March 27, 1999, for work on Planetary Emergencies
- Distinguished Minority Visiting Professor, Vanderbilt University, 1996-1997
- Fellow of the World Laboratory, 1990-1993
- Fellow of the John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Foundation, 1989-90
- Fellowship for graduate studies in physics from the Organization of American States, 1982-1984
- First-Honors, University of Panama (highest GPA at university in 1978 class); Awarded Jose de la Cruz Herrera Medal in Panama National scholarship to do post-graduate studies
- National fellowship for college education at University of Panama, for having obtained highest GPA in high school
Organizations, Outreach, Boards, Memberships
- Member, Pro-Panama Board of Advisers, Panamanian Consulate in Houston, 2014-present
- Director, ICTP-UH Ph.D. program, 2010-present
- Director, World Laboratory Center for Pan-American Collaboration in Science and Technology, May 1998-2008
- First Treasurer, National Society of Hispanic Physicists, February 1997
- Founding Member, National Society of Hispanic Physicists and host of the inaugural meeting at the University of Texas at Austin, May 1996
- Representative for Latin America at the World Federation of Scientists in Erice, Italy, during the 21 meeting on Planetary Emergencies, August 1996
- Associate Director, Pan-American Foundation for Physics in Austin, Texas, on April 18, 1993