HGS-PESGB Annual Africa Conference - University of Houston
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HGS-PESGB Annual Africa Conference

HGS-PESGB Annual Africa Conference
Houston, TX - Sep. 13-14, 2016
15th Annual Conference on African Exploration and Production
Authors  Poster
Luan Nguyen**, Stuart Hall*, Dale Bird*, Philip Ball Full-Fit Reconstruction of the East Africa and Antartica Continental Margins
Paul Mann* Crustal Structure and Subsidence History of the East-Africa-Madagascar Conjugate Margins: Implications for Source Rock Maturity in Underexplored Offshore Basins
Andrew Steier** Fine Tuning  Quantitative, Plate-Tectonic Reconstructions of South Atlantic Conjugate Margins Using a GIS Compilation of Geologic and Geophysical Information
Rasheed Ajala*** Gravity Modeling of the Flexural Response of Loading of the Niger and Amazon Deltas onto Their Underlying Thinned Continental and Oceanic Crust
Kyle Reuber**, Paul Mann* South Atlantic Conjugate Margins: The Significance of Pre-Rift Western Gondwanan Orogenic Domains on Syn-rift Infill
Naila Dowla** Width of the Rifted Zones of the Northwest Africa-Southeast USA Conjugate Margins as a Constraint on an Africa-North America Closed Fit Reconstruction
