Outstanding Dissertation Award
- Mathematics, Physical Sciences and Engineering
- Social Sciences
- Biological Sciences
- Humanities and Fine Art
Two $1000 awards will be given per year; one in each of the eligible fields.
In 2024, the fields will be Mathematical, Physical Sciences and Engineering and Social Sciences. A list of the detailed fields of study for 2024 in each category are listed below.
- Mathematical, Physical Sciences and Engineering: Mathematics, Statistics, Computer Sciences, Data Processing, Systems Analysis Chemsitry, Earth Sciences, Physics, Geeology, Meteorology, Astronomy, Metallurgy, Geophysics, Pharmaceutical Chemistry; Aeronautical, Architectural, Biomedical, Ceramic, Chemical, Civil, and Electrical Engineering Sciencs; Environmental Health Engineering; Geological, Mechanical, Mining, Nuclear, and Petroleum Engineering
- Social Sciences: Agricultural Economics, Geography, Anthropology, Archaelogy, Economics, Education, Sociology, Government (Political Science), Demography, and Psychology. Please note that for purposes of this competition, History is classed within the Humanities and is not a field of competition this year.
If a dissertation is multi- or interdisciplinary in nature, a significant portion of the work must be comprised by at least one of the 2024 fields of competition.
- Each graduate program is eligible to nominate one individual for the award in a given year
- The effective date of the degree awarded, or the completion of doctoral degree requirements and dissertation, must lie in the period of July 1, 2022 to June 30, 2024, inclusive, for each nominee.
- The UH Dissertation Award winners will be nominated for the national CGS/ProQuest Distinguished Dissertation Award. All nominees dissertation must be available in the ProQuest depository.
- Materials must be compiled as a single PDF and named as follows: Dissertation_Field_LastName.pdf and emailed to gradschool@uh.edu by June 7, 2024
Nomination Package Checklist
- The nomination form, completed and signed by the dean/associate dean of the college.
An extended abstract of the nominee’s dissertation (not to exceed 5 double-spaced pages). Appendices containing other material, such as charts, tables, and/or references may be included as additional pages.
Three letters of recommendation evaluating the significance and quality of the nominee’s dissertation work. One of these letters is to be from the nominee's dissertation supervisor, another from a member of the nominee's dissertation committee, and the third from a person of the nominee's choice.
The nominee’s curriculum vitae (not to exceed five pages).
Certification by the collegiate Dean/Associate Dean that the dissertation was approved in partial fulfillment of requirements for the doctoral degree and that the student completed the doctoral degree within the past two academic years and/or summer sessions (July 1, 2022, to June 30, 2024, inclusive)
Dissertation Award Winners
2024 Award Winners
Myriam Shiran - Political Science – Winner in Social Sciences
Shruti Hariyana – Chemistry - Winner in Mathematical, Physical Sciences, and Engineering
2023 Award Winners
Ravi Goyal, Pharmaceutical Health Outcomes and Policy PhD, Biological/Life Sciences Winner
2022 Award Winners
Jamie Karthein, Physics PhD, Winner, Mathematical, Physical Sciences and Engineering
Ya Zhou, Chemistry PhD, Honorable Mention, Mathematical, Physical Sciences and Engineering
Lichau Sun, Developmental, Cognitive, & Behavioral Neuroscience PhD, Winner, Social Sciences
Hamza Zahid, Economics PhD, Honorable Mention, Social Sciences
2021 Award Winners
Anna Marissa Schoen, Political Science Ph.D., winner, Fine Arts/Humanities
Alberto Wilson III, History Ph.D., honorable mention, Fine Arts/Humanities
Arvand Asghari (Khonakdari), Biology Ph.D., winner, Biological/Life Sciences