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Requests for Research Participants

Researchers from UH and other institutions may seek college students to participate in studies. The list below includes such requests submitted to the UH College of Education. Please review requests carefully. Listing a request does not signify our endorsement. The most recent posting is always listed on top, and we will keep the listings for up to three months.

If you would like to have a request posted to this page, please fill out the Research Participant Request Form. Studies must be approved by the Institutional Review Board (IRB) to be listed.

Submitted Requests

Latinx Smokers: Evaluating Ethnic Microaggressions on Smoking Behavior and Relapse
Posted: 9/13/2024

The University of Houston is recruiting participants for a new study. This study involves experimental appointments that addresses cigarette smoking and microaggressions. You may be eligible to participate if you (1) are at least 18 years old, (2) currently endorse regular (daily) cigarette smoking for at least 1 year, (3) currently smoke 5 or more cigarettes a day, (4) self-identify as Hispanic or Latino, and (5) endorse at least one microaggression experience over the past 6-months.
Participation involves attending a total of three in-person appointment visits to our laboratory: one baseline assessment appointment and two experimental appointments. The baseline appointment will last approximately two hours. Following the baseline appointment, each participant will then attend two identical, in-person experimental appointments at our laboratory. These experimental appointments will be spaced a minimum of 14 days apart. Each experimental appointment will last approximately 3 hours. Eligible participants for the current study that complete the entirety of the study will have the opportunity to receive up to $200 in electronic gift cards. Electronic gift cards can be redeemed through the platform Tango which allows you to pick a gift card based on your purchasing preferences from over 100 different businesses.
If this seems of interest to you, please use the link below to complete a brief 15-minute online pre-screener questionnaire to determine if you are eligible. If you are deemed eligible for the study, we will contact you to schedule your next study appointment.
Please contact the RESTORE via email ( or phone (713-743-8056; mention study 84 when you call) for more information. Thank you!


Principal Investigators and Contact 
Michael Zvolensky
Director of the Research on Emotion, Substance Use Treatment Outcomes, and Racial Equity (RESTORE) Laboratory and Substance Use Treatment Clinic
University of Houston
Houston, TX 77204 

Angelica Duran 

Faculty Advisor
Brooke Redmond 

Institutional Review Board (IRB) approval number

Brief Personalized Feedback Intervention for Latinx Hazardous Drinkers: A Community-Based Intervention
Posted: 9/13/2024

The RESTORE research lab at the University of Houston is recruiting participants for a new online study. This study involves a mobile application intervention that addresses drinking and anxiety. You may be eligible to participate if you (a) are 21 years of age or older, (b) self-identify as Latinx or Hispanic, (c) are fluent in Spanish, (d) report current hazardous drinking pattern, (e) endorse criteria for clinical anxiety, and (f) own an Android smartphone.
Participation involves completion of a pre-screener questionnaire, five additional online surveys, a brief exit interview and a brief mobile application intervention that should take about 4.5 hours of your time across 3-months conducted completely virtually via Zoom. Eligible participants for the current study that complete the entirety of the study will have the opportunity to receive up to $150 in electronic gift cards. Electronic gift cards can be redeemed through the platform Tango which allows you to pick a gift card based on your purchasing preferences from over 100 different businesses.
If this seems of interest to you, please use the link below to complete a brief online pre-screener questionnaire. If you are deemed eligible for the study, we will then schedule your next online study appointment.
Please contact the RESTORE lab via email ( or phone (713-743-8056; mention study 83 when you call) for more information and questions. Thank you!


Principal Investigators and Contact 
Michael Zvolensky
Director of the Research on Emotion, Substance Use Treatment Outcomes, and Racial Equity (RESTORE) Laboratory and Substance Use Treatment Clinic
University of Houston
Houston, TX 77204 

Angelica Duran 

Faculty Advisor
Brooke Redmond 

Institutional Review Board (IRB) approval number

Latinx Hazardous Drinkers with Clinical Anxiety: Effectiveness Trial of a Personalized Normative Feedback Intervention
Posted: 9/13/2024

The University of Houston is recruiting participants for a new virtual study. This study consists of a computer-delivered intervention that addresses alcohol use and anxiety. You may be eligible to participate if you (1) are 21-75 years of age (2) identify as Latino or Hispanic, (3) are fluent in Spanish, (4) report regular alcohol consumption, and (5) experience anxiety .

Participation involves completing a pre-screening questionnaire, five additional online questionnaires, and a short online intervention that will take about 3 hours of your time over 6 months which will be completed remotely via Zoom. Eligible participants in the current study who complete the entire study will have the opportunity to receive up to $220 in e-gift cards. E-gift cards can be redeemed through the Tango platform, which allows you to choose a gift card based on your purchasing preferences from over 100 different businesses. If you are a University of Houston student, you can earn 0.5 SONA credits for completing the pre-screening questionnaire.


Principal Investigators and Contact 
Michael Zvolensky
Director of the Research on Emotion, Substance Use Treatment Outcomes, and Racial Equity (RESTORE) Laboratory and Substance Use Treatment Clinic
University of Houston
Houston, TX 77204 

Angelica Duran 

Faculty Advisor
Brooke Redmond 

Institutional Review Board (IRB) approval number

Cognition in Women and Mothers (WaM) Study (ONLINE)
Posted: 6/11/2024

The Cognition and Motivated Behaviour Lab (CaMBLab) at Department of Psychology at the University of Cambridge is conducting the ‘Cognition in Women and Mothers (WaM)’ study. This study is fully ONLINE, designed to investigate factors that may impact women’s cognition, e.g. how the experience of pregnancy, motherhood and lifestyle factors affect women’s cognitive functioning.

At this stage, we are specifically recruiting women aged 18-45, who are currently pregnant or who have been pregnant/given birth in the past 3 years (up to around 42 months ago). If you are one of them, we would like to invite you to share your experience! Your support is important in promoting awareness of cognitive health in women, and you will get the chance to win £50! If you would like to take part, please sign up here:

For any enquiries, please do not hesitate to contact the research team at

Thank you very much!


Principal Investigators and Contact 
Lucy Cheke (Associate Professor) and Sabine Yeung (PhD student)
University of Cambridge
Downing Street, Cambridge, CB2 3EB
United Kingdom (Sabine Yeung) 

Faculty Advisor
Lucy Cheke 

Institutional Review Board (IRB) approval number
PRE.2023.019 (under the project name "Factors affecting memory and cognition in mothers and children")

An Exploration of Current Practices and Barriers to Animal Assisted Interventions in Schools
Posted: 4/3/2024

This exploratory and descriptive study aims to gain information on perceptions regarding Animal Assisted Interventions (AAI) and how they are being used in schools to address gaps in current knowledge and build an understanding of best practices.

Eligible participants must be adults ages 18-88 and have worked in a school in any capacity. Interested participants will complete a brief online survey lasting 5-10 minutes. Participants are welcome to join regardless of their level of knowledge or experience with AAI. Participation is voluntary and involves minimal risk. No identifying information will be collected in this anonymous survey.

If interested, participants can enter their email for a chance to win a drawing for a $25 Visa gift card. This survey has been ruled as exempted by an Institutional Review Board (COMIRB # 23-2501). If you have any questions or concerns, please get in touch with Principal Investigator Jade Munsinger at


Principal Investigator and Contact 
Jade Munsinger
Intern Therapist/Intern School Psychologist
University of Colorado Denver
Denver, CO, 80204 

Faculty Advisor
Rachel Stein 

Institutional Review Board (IRB) approval number
COMIRB #23-2501