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Strategic Plan

Our strategic plan guides our efforts to empower students, engage communities and drive meaningful change. Focused on our mission, we strive to improve educational and health outcomes for all through high-quality instruction, innovative research and strong partnerships.


  • Our responsibility is to improve the lives of others.
  • Equity is realized best through collective action.  
  • Greater understanding is achieved through rigorous scientific inquiry.
  • Diverse perspectives and talents are essential for excellence.
  • Relentless pursuit of excellence requires challenging and valuing ourselves and others.


The mission of the College of Education at the University of Houston is to lead and inspire generative transformations of learning, health, leadership and well-being by developing new knowledge for an increasingly diverse world.

Strategic Objectives

  • We will lead collective action to build capacity in communities.
  • Communities and partners will eradicate educational and health disparities.
  • Other systems and professionals will leverage our work.


  • We will deliver a high-quality educational experience that empowers students to lead.
  • We will serve the community as the hub for collective action.
  • We will maintain a shared culture of trust to support collective success.
  • We will pursue funding, research and community engagement opportunities that advance our mission.