Leadership Resources
The Center for Student Involvement (CSI) believes anyone has the ability to become a leader if they are willing to invest in their own growth. This section of resources is designed to help you develop new skills to help you become an effective leader. Additional resources will continue to be added. If you would like to recommend an article or video relating to leadership development, please email your suggestion to LeadUH@uh.edu.
Leadership Skills
- Leadership Styles
- Group Dynamics – Building the Team
- Conflict Management for Student Organizations
- Team Building Activity Websites & E-Books:
- Teampedia a collaborative editable online encyclopedia of free team building activities
- 50 Digital Team-Building Games : Fast, Fun Meeting Openers, Group Activities and Adventures Using Social Media, Smart Phones, GPS, Tablets, and More
- Enacting Participatory Development : Theatre-based Techniques
- 101 More Ways to Make Training Active
- Communication
- How Leaders Create and Use Networks
- 4 Ways Leaders Approach Tasks
- Who Do You Admire and Why?
- Leaders Are, Can, & Think
- Leadership Practical Worksheet
Leadership Inspiration
- Do Good Well: Your Guide to Leadership, Action and Social Innovation, by Nina Vasan and Jennifer Przybylo
- Student Leadership Challenge, By James Kouzes and Barry Posner
- The Advantage: Why Organizational Health Trumps Everything Else, by Patrick Lencioni
- Other great leadership books are available through the M.D. Anderson Library. Titles can be found in the catalog or in the library primarily under call numbers HD50-HD70. Examples include the following texts:
- Start with Why (2009), Simon Sinek
- Good to Great (2001), James Collins
- The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People (2013), Stephen Covey
- Our Iceberg is Melting: changing and succeeding under any condition (2006), John Kotter
- Are You a True Leader or Just a Boss?
- In Search of the Definition of Leadership
- 10 Organizational Leadership Styles—Study Starters
- 10 Surprising Things Successful Leaders Do Differently
- 6 Warning Signs of Bad Leadership You Should Never Ignore
- Leadership Qualities
Leadership Videos
- Everyday Leadership (a.k.a., The Lollipop Moment), by Drew Dudley
- How Great Leaders Inspire Action, by Simon Sinek
- Lessons from past presidents, by Doris Kearns Goodwin
- Grit: The power of passion and perseverance, by Angela Lee Duckworth
- How to Start a Movement, by Derek Sivers
- Great leadership starts with self-leadership
- How great leaders inspire action | Simon Sinek
- Simon Sinek: Why Leaders Eat Last
- Why good leaders make you feel safe | Simon Sinek
- Why we have too few women leaders | Sheryl Sandberg
- We Cannot Lead Others Without First Leading From Within | Lolly Daskal | TEDxLincolnSquare
- Follow the leader | Suli Breaks | TEDxHousesofParliament
- Servant leadership: How to lead with the heart? | Liz Theophille | TEDxSaclay
Leadership Websites
- Master Class Management
Masterclassmanagement.com offers a free online management course that covers topics such as "How to Be a Great Manager through Leadership," "How to Organize and Manage Your Department to Meet Goals," "How to Hire and Retain the Right People," "How to Deal With Conflict, Problems, Difficult Employees, and Firing," and "How to Get Your Point Across Through the Art of Business Communications." Each topic has subpoints and a quiz at the end of each section.
- Leadership and Management via open.edu
Open Learn has a series of Leadership and Management courses that are all available online and free. Learn about operations management at an introductory level, and study the theory of management perspective and practice. Participants will have the opportunity to take courses on managing people, better decision making, how teams work, and more
- Master Class Management
Do you have other ideas for leadership resources? Please send your ideas to csi@uh.edu. We would love to hear them. The information on this page was compiled from a variety of online sources by the Center for Student Involvement staff; in some cases, it is original content. If you would like to know the specific source of any of the above information, please contact csi@uh.edu and we will be happy to help you out!