Research Excellence
The I/O program at UH continues to enhance its strong research culture. Our faculty members serve on the editorial boards of academic journals in the field and conduct ongoing research in collaboration with each other, our graduate students, and other colleagues in the field.
Research by our faculty members and graduate students has appeared in many high-quality peer-reviewed journal outlets and at regional, national, and international conferences. In fact, a recent article in The Industrial-Organizational Psychologist on the research productivity of I/O doctoral programs ranks the I/O program at UH 15th in top journal publications from 2003 - 2012 (Beller, Zimmerman, Doerr, & Clark, 2014) and 15th in interdisciplinary research (Landers, Armstron, Helms, & Epps, 2018). Additionally, UH ranked 8th in institutional presence at the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology (SIOP) conference from 2003-2012.
The high-quality research produced by our graduate students has received national recognition. UH student conference papers have been designated for the "Best Paper Proceedings" at the Academy of Management conference and have been named as best doctoral student papers at other conferences (e.g., SIOP and Southern Management Association). Most recently, Sonya Stokes was awarded the Flanagan Award for the best student-authored SIOP conference paper with Alan Witt and two Department of Defense co-authors for a paper entitled, "An NL-SEM approach to analysis of dyadic job performance ratings." This was the second Flanagan Award for Dr. Witt and his student co-authors. Former UH faculty member, Lisa Penney, and her students also won the award in 2006. You can learn more about the research honors and awards earned by our grad students on our Student Success page.
Drs. Eisenberger and Witt are both fellows of SIOP and the APA (American Psychological Association). In addition, a study released in 2010 indicated that they were among the top 3% in productivity among scholars publishing in top-tier organizational science journals from 1988 to 2007. In a December, 2017 article published by Aguinis et al. entitled, "Most Frequently Cited Sources, Articles, and Authors in Industrial-Organizational Psychology Textbooks: Implications for the Science-Practice Divide, Scholarly Impact, and the Future of the Field," Drs. Leanne Atwater (Department of Management, who has served on many dissertation and thesis committees of I/O students) and Alan Witt were listed among the scholars most often cited. Learn more about our faculty and their research on our Faculty page.
Graduate students in the Psychology Department at the University of Houston will have opportunities to participate in collaborative cross-program research.