About the Program

The graduate program in Industrial and Organizational (I/O) Psychology at the University of Houston is one of the oldest, largest, and most respected programs in the country.
Since 1950, the UH I/O program has centered on the application of basic psychological research and theory with the goal of advancing science and practice in the field of I/O. Students are trained to serve as "scientist-practitioners," such that they are positioned to leverage state-of-the-art theory and methodology to solve real-world problems and inform theory and best practice while doing so. In fact, UH was ranked 9th in both research and applied development opportunities across I/O programs in 2018 (Howald, Nesnidol, Horan, & Matthews, 2018).
The program contributes to the university's Tier One mission by producing leading-edge research published in top-tier journals, contributing to the community/region via sharing of best practices and provision of human resources management services to organizations in both the private and public sectors, and producing a steady stream of Ph.D.'s. In line with the university's energy and health initiatives, we have strong ties with organizations in the energy and healthcare industries and produce considerable research affecting practice in both, with a focus on safety- and stress-related topics. Current and past organizational partners include the City of Houston, ExxonMobil, Men's Wearhouse, Willbros, Houston Transtar, and Aramco.
Mission Statement
The program's objective is two-fold. We aim to inform theory and best practice in the management of human capital. We also strive to prepare students for careers as active contributors to the psychology of work. This objective is accomplished through theory-based research, coursework, the acquisition of both technical and social competencies, and applied collaborative research.

About I/O Psychology

Student Success

Research Excellence

Professional Services


Info for Curent Students