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Continuing Enrollment, Time Limitation, and Good Standing


The University of Houston, the College of Liberal Arts & Social Sciences, and the Department of History have established certain regulations concerning admission, candidacy, full-time and part-time student status, time limitations, and enrollment that apply to all degree plans.  Consult the University of Houston Graduate and Professional Studies Catalog ( for additional information.

Continuing Enrollment

The University of Houston requires students to be enrolled in consecutive terms (Fall and Spring semesters, not Summer) until the completion of the degree program and the awarding of the degree.  The student who is not enrolled should not expect to use the facilities of the University of Houston.  Failure to maintain continuing enrollment may be grounds for dismissal from the program.

Time Limitation

M.A. students

A full-time student is expected to complete his/her degree in two or three years. A part-time student is expected to complete the degree no later than five (5) years from the date of admission.  Students should complete a checklist once each academic year that will document their progress toward meeting the requirements for the M.A. degree.

Ph.D. students

Students who have not completed the dissertation within five years after passing the comprehensive exam will be required to retake it.  The student’s comprehensive exam committee must reconvene to make an assessment for what exam format the student would be required to retake. In addition, the student has a maximum of ten (10) years from the date of admission to complete the degree. Students should complete a checklist once each academic year that will document their progress toward meeting the requirements for the Ph.D. degree.

Good Standing

Students on the Master’s level must maintain a GPA of at least 3.3.  Students whose grade point average falls below that level will receive notice in writing that they have been placed on probation.  Failure to receive a 3.3 in the next semester may be grounds for dismissal from the program, and students remain on probation until the grade point average on the Master’s level reaches 3.3.

Students at the doctoral level must maintain a GPA of at least 3.75.  Students whose grade point average falls below that level will receive notice in writing that they have been placed on probation.  Failure to receive a 3.75 in the next semester may be grounds for dismissal from the program, and students remain on probation until the grade point average on the Ph.D. level reaches 3.75. Failure to maintain a GPA at this level also may jeopardize the administering of the comprehensive examination.

Grades do reflect a student's progress.  The grade standards are as follows: 

  A (4.0) Excellent
  A- (3.67) Very Good
  B+ (3.3) Promising
  B (3.0) Adequate
  B- (2.67) Unsatisfactory
  C+ or below  Unacceptable

Department's Termination Policy

Students who fail to maintain satisfactory progress are subject to dismissal.  The department will track progress by looking at both continuous enrollment and whether students are in good standing.  If an M.A. or Ph.D. student fails to enroll prior to the 12th class day of a semester, he/she will receive a warning that his/her file will be moved into the Inactive Classification unless he/she immediately enrolls.

After failing to enroll for two semesters, the Graduate Committee will consider whether the student should be dismissed from the program on the grounds that the student's progress is unsatisfactory.

University's C+ Rule

A graduate student who receives a grade of C+ or lower in twelve (12) semester hours of credit attempted at UH for graduate credit or for application toward a graduate degree, whether or not in repeated courses, is ineligible for any advanced degree at this institution and will not be permitted to re-enroll for graduate study.