Procter & Gamble V.P. Hanneke Faber to Lecture at UH Honors College Nov. 7

Hanneke Faber is Procter & Gamble's youngest vice president. An alumna of The Honors College at the University of Houston, Faber oversees product lines throughout the world and $1.2 billion in revenues. Soon, she will return to her alma mater to offer real world business insight to students and members of the community.

Faber will speak at 11 a.m., Nov. 7 in The Honors College Commons on the second floor of UH's M.D. Anderson Library. This free event is open to the public.

Currently, Faber is leading Procter & Gamble's efforts to construct its greenest plant, which will be located in Poland.

Faber is the daughter of international peace activist Mient Jan Faber, who will speak at The Honors College at 2:30 p.m., Nov. 6. Her husband Aris Economon also is a UH alum. Currently they make their home in Geneva, Switzerland.

For additional details on Faber's lecture, contact Shannon Parrish Brotherton at 713-743-9973.

WHAT: Lecture: Hanneke Faber
WHEN: 11 a.m., Nov. 7
WHERE: The Honors College Commons - Second floor of UH's M.D. Anderson Library
WHO: The Honors College at UH
