A. Gary Dworkin

Professor Emeritus
Phone: 713.743.3955
Email: gdworkin@uh.edu
Office: 491 Philip G. Hoffman Hall
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Ph.D., Northwestern University
M.A., Northwestern University
A.B., Occidental College (magna cum laude)
Anthony Gary Dworkin is professor emeritus of sociology at the University of Houston, where he has been on the faculty since 1973. He received an A.B. in sociology and psychology from Occidental College (Los Angeles, 1964) and both an M.A. and Ph.D. in sociology from Northwestern University (1966 and 1970, respectively).
Dworkin’s teaching and research have been in the areas of the sociology of education and race/ethnic relations, as well as sociological theory and quantitative research methods. He is a co-founder of the Sociology of Education Research Group (SERG), which conducts analyses of the factors that affect standardized test performance of public school students in Texas and assesses school climate factors for school districts. Dworkin and his colleagues at SERG have received grants and contracts from the U.S. Department of Education, the Texas Education Agency, the Houston Endowment and several school districts in the Houston metropolitan area to further their studies. The SERG team has presented their work on public school grade retention to the Brookings Institution in Washington, D.C., who published two of the studies conducted by the team. In 2001, Dworkin was a visiting fellow at the Australian National University in Canberra, conducting research on a national survey of Australians and an assessment of teacher burnout. Dworkin was elected president of the Sociology of Education Research Committee of the International Sociological Association in 2010, a UNESCO chartered organization with members from 167 nations, and served until 2014.
A majority of Dworkin’s publications have also been in the areas of the sociology of education and race, ethnic and gender relations. Dworkin has published some 70 articles and chapters, as well as several state-of-the-field articles on teacher burnout that have appeared in international encyclopedias and handbooks. Among Dworkin's books are: "Giving Up on School" (Corwin/Sage, 1991, with Margaret D. LeCompte) and a third edition of his race, ethnic and gender relations' text, "The Minority Report" (Wadsworth-Harcourt Brace, with Rosalind J. Dworkin) published in 1999. Dworkin and Laurence J. Saha (Australian National University) published "The International Handbook of Research on Teachers and Teaching" (Springer Publishers, 2009).
Recent Publications
- Dworkin, Anthony Gary and Jeanne Ballantine. Forthcoming. “Sociology of Education in the United States.” Sociology of Education Around the World, edited by Alexander Osipov. Russia: State University of Novgorod Press.
- Dworkin, Anthony Gary and Pamela F. Tobe. Forthcoming. “High-Stakes Accountability, School Safety and Teacher Burnout: A longitudinal Study of Teacher Trust.” In Trust Relationships and School Life, edited by P. Forsyth, D. Van Maele, and M.Van Houtte. Dordrecht, The Netherlands: Springer.
- Stevens, Peter and Anthony Gary Dworkin. Forthcoming. Race, Ethnicity and Educational Inequality: Global Perspectives. London: Palgrave-Macmillan.
- Dworkin, Anthony Gary and Pamela F. Tobe. 2012. “Teacher Burnout in Light of School Safety, Student Misbehavior, and Changing Accountability Standards.” In Schools and Society: A Sociological Approach to Education. 4ed., edited by Jeanne Ballantine and Joan Spade. Thousand Oaks, CA: Pine Forge Press.
- Antikainen, Ari, A. Gary Dworkin, Lawrence J. Saha, Jeanne Ballantine, Shaheeda Essack, António Teodoro and David Konstantinovskiy. 2011. “Current Issues in the Sociology of Education.” International Journal of Contemporary Sociology 48(1): 117-147.
- Dworkin, Anthony Gary and Pamela F. Tobe, 2011. “Politics and Education in the United States.” Pp. 74-95 in The Politics of Education: The Challenge of Multiculturalism, edited by Christos Kassimeris and Marios Vryodines. New York: Routledge, Taylor and Francis Group.
- Dworkin, Anthony Gary and Karl Eschbach. 2011. "Case Studies in Race and Ethnic Relations." In Social Problems: A Case Study Approach. 3ed., edited by Noman Dolch, Linda Bell Deutschman, and Helen K. Wise. Lantham, MD: Rowman and Littlefield.
- Horn, Catherine and Anthony Gary Dworkin. 2011. Review of “Yearning to Break Free: Ohio Superintendents Speak Out.” Boulder, CO: National Education Policy Center.
- Ball, Stephen J., A. Gary Dworkin, and Marios Vryonides. 2010. “Globalization and Education: Introduction.” Current Sociology 58(4): 523-529.
- Antikainen, Ari, A. Gary Dworkin, Lawrence J. Saha, Jeanne Ballantine, Shaheeda Essack, António Teodoro and David Konstantinovskiy. 2010. “Sociology of Education.” Sociopedia 1(1): 9.
- Saha, Lawrence J. and A. Gary Dworkin. 2009. “Educational Attainment and Job Status: The Role of Status Inconsistency on Occupation Burnout.” Pp.151-166 in The Process of Research in Education, edited by Bobbie Matthews and Tony Gibbons. Adelaide, South Australia: Shannon Research Press.
- Saha, Lawrence J. and A. Gary Dworkin, editors. 2009. New International Handbook of Research on Teachers and Teaching. Dordrecht, The Netherlands: Springer.
- Dworkin, A. Gary. 2009. “Teacher Burnout and Teacher Resiliency: Assessing the Impacts of the School Accountability Movement.” Pp.491-510 in New International Handbook of Research on Teachers and Teaching, edited by Lawrence J. Saha and A. Gary Dworkin. Dordrecht, The Netherlands: Springer.
- Lawrence J. Saha and A. Gary Dworkin. 2009. “New Perspectives on Teachers and Teaching.” Pp.1155-1167 in New International Handbook of Research on Teachers and Teaching, edited by Lawrence J. Saha and A. Gary Dworkin. Dordrecht, The Netherlands: Springer.
- Lawrence J. Saha and A. Gary Dworkin. 2009. “Teachers and Teaching in an Era of Heightened School Accountability.” Pp.3-14 in New International Handbook of Research on Teachers and Teaching, edited by Lawrence J. Saha and A. Gary Dworkin. Dordrecht, The Netherlands: Springer.
- Dworkin, Anthony Gary. 2008. “Dropping Out of High School: Another American Dilemma.” The Latino Black Education Initiative. Atlanta, GA: Southern Education Foundation.
- Dworkin, Anthony Gary. 2008. “School Accountability and the Standards-Based Reform Movement: Some Unintended Consequences of Educational Policies.” International Journal of Contemporary Sociology 45: 11-31.
- Lorence, Jon and Anthony Gary Dworkin. 2008. “Review of Reports of 10 State Public Opinion Surveys on K-12 School Choice.” Boulder and Tempe: Education and the Public Interest Center & Education Policy Research Unit.
- Dworkin, Anthony Gary. 2007. “School Accountability and the Standards-Based Reform Movement.” Pp. 5-23 in New Directions in Sociology of Education in/for the 21st Century, edited by Marios Vryonides. Nicosia, Cyprus: Cyprus College.
- Dworkin, Anthony Gary. 2007. “School Reform and Teacher Burnout: Issues of Gender and Gender Tokenism.” Pp.691-99 in Gender and Education: An Encyclopedia, edited by Barbara J. Bank, Sara Delamont, and Catherine Marshall. New York: Greenwood Press. Reprinted in Schools and Society: A Sociological Approach to Education, edited by Jeanne H. Ballantine and Joan Z. Spade. Los Angeles: Pine Forge Press, 2008.
- Dworkin, Anthony Gary and Jon Lorence. 2007. “Nonpromotional School Change and the Achievement of Texas Students: Possible Public School Choice Outcomes under NCLB.” Pp. 243-266 in No Child Left Behind and the Reduction of the Achievement Gap: Sociological Perspectives on Federal Education Policy, edited by Alan R. Sadovnik, Jennifer O’Day, George Bohrnstedt, and Kathryn Borman. New York: Routledge.
- Sadovnik, Alan, Anthony Gary Dworkin, Adam Gamoran, Maureen Hallinan, and Janelle Scott. 2007. “Sociological Perspectives on NCLB and Federal Involvement.” Pp. 359-373 in No Child Left Behind and the Reduction of the Achievement Gap: Sociological Perspectives on Federal Education Policy, edited by Alan R. Sadovnik, Jennifer O’Day, George Bohrnstedt, and Kathryn Borman. New York: Routledge.
- Lorence, Jon and Anthony Gary Dworkin. 2006. “Elementary Grade Retention in Texas and Reading Achievement among Racial Groups: 1994-2002.” Review of Policy Research 23(5): 999-1033. Reprinted in Taking Sides: Clashing Views in Educational Psychology. 5ed, edited by L. Abbeduto & F. Symons. Boston: McGraw-Hill, 2008.
- Dworkin, Anthony Gary. 2005. “The No Child Left Behind Act: Accountability, High-Stakes Testing, and Roles for Sociologists.” Sociology of Education 78(2): 170-74.