Dual Degree Programs

Several collaborative degree programs are available that enrich the options and opportunities available to our students. Dual degree programs allow students to earn two degrees in less time than it would take to complete them sequentially. Students interested in this option must be admitted separately to each of the programs and admission to one has no official bearing on admission to the other. Since admission to two programs is required, interested persons are encouraged to begin their application process early. In addition, it is recommended that students plan to complete the dual degree options as a full-time student.
Options for dual degrees include:
The University of Houston Graduate College of Social Work and the University of Houston Hobby School of Public Affairs offer a concurrent degree program to prepare students for professional practice in policy arenas. This concurrent degree program enables students to pair the quantitative and ethics-oriented approach to policy analysis offered by the MPP program with 2 the substantive policy and practical training in health and human service-related domains offered by the MSW program. Through this program, students are able to finish both degrees over a shorter period of time than if each degree was pursued separately.
Required Semester Credit Hours
The joint MSW/MPP program requires a total of 69 semester credit hours. The degree can be completed in 3 - 4 years as a full-time student. The joint MSW/MPP program for Advanced Standing students will require a total of 58 semester credit hours. Advanced Standing students can complete the degree in 2 – 3 years.
Up to 12 semester credit hours earned as part of the MPP program are applied to the students' MSW degree for full program students and 6 semester credit hours for Advanced Standing students. Up to 9 semester credit hours earned as part of the MSW program apply to the student’s MPP degree.
Admission Requirements
Students entering the MSW/MPP concurrent degree program must apply and be admitted separately by both the Graduate College of Social Work and the Hobby School of Public Affairs. Applications for admission to this degree program will be accepted in compliance with the application deadlines for each school. Admission to one program has no bearing on admission to the other program. All students wishing to enter the MSW/MPP concurrent degree program must apply to the second program no later than the end of their first year.
Academic Requirements
The MSW program in the Graduate College of Social Work requires that students complete 51 semester credit hours (SCH) of masters level courses. MSW students must complete a 15 SCH foundation curriculum and then enter one of two concentrations - (1) Clinical Practice or (2) Macro Practice. Students admitted to the concurrent MSW/MPP degree track may select either MSW concentration.
The MPP program in the University of Houston Hobby School of Public Affairs requires a minimum of 39 SCHs for graduation, including the completion of a 3-credit hour full time internship requirement during the summer.
Twelve (12) hours from the MPP are applied toward 3 elective courses and the Social Policy Analysis course in the MSW Program; nine (9) hours from the MSW are applied toward 2 elective courses and the internship course in the MPP Program. For Advanced Standing students, six (6) hours from the MPP are applied toward 1 elective course and the Social Policy Analysis course in the MSW Program; nine (9) hours from MSW are applied toward 2 elective courses and the internship course in the MPP Program. For both full program and Advanced Standing students, the internship requirement for the MSW and the MPP can be met through completion of the required practicum hours through the GCSW.
Curriculum Model
The first year of the concurrent degree program must be in one college or the other. The student may choose which college to begin the joint program. All MSW Foundation coursework (including credit for Generalist Practicum 1) must be completed prior to taking any advanced social work courses. After completion of the MSW Foundation coursework, MSW and MPP courses can be taken concurrently.
Should the student not complete the requirements for the MPP degree, the Graduate College of Social Work will accept a maximum of 6 semester hours from the public policy curriculum for MSW elective credit. Likewise, should the student not complete the requirements for the MSW degree, the Hobby School of Public Affairs will accept a maximum of 6 semester hours from the social work curriculum.
Graduation Requirements
To graduate with the concurrent degree, students must meet all academic, curricular and graduation requirements of both colleges. Until all of these requirements have been met, no course credit from either college will be applied toward the degree in the other college. Students must file for graduation and pay all applicable filing fees to the University of Houston. When filing for graduation, students must state on their application that they are filing for both degrees in the same semester. Graduates will receive two diplomas.
Both programs require an internship component. The internship requirement for both programs can be met through completion of the required field practicum hours through the GCSW. Students pursuing this concurrent degree are eligible to apply to participate in the Graduate College of Social Work’s Austin Legislative Internship Program.
The University of Houston Graduate College of Social Work offers an integrated degree program for students who have a strong interest in advancing knowledge about social work and exceptional capacity for research and scholarly work, but do not already hold an MSW degree. The concurrent program allows students to begin their doctoral course work before completing the MSW program and enables students to finish both degrees in a shorter time than if they were pursued separately. In addition, the combined program offers a structured educational opportunity for students who have master’s degrees in disciplines other than social work, but who may want to earn an MSW while pursing the PhD. Having an MSW degree allows graduates to potentially teach practice courses at accredited schools of social work.
Required Semester Credit Hours
The joint MSW/PhD program requires a total of 92 semester credit hours which can be completed in as few as four years as a full-time student. Advanced standing students are required to complete 81 SCH for the dual program. The degree for AS students can be completed in as few as three years.
Upon completion of all requirements for the MSW program, 12 semester credit hours from the PhD curriculum will be applied to the MSW degree for full program students and 6 semester credit hours for Advanced Standing students. No semester credit hours earned as part of the MSW program will be applied to the student’s PhD degree.
Admission Requirements
Applicants for the concurrent degree could apply in two different ways. First, they could apply for both programs when they initially apply to the PhD or MSW program. Second, students already enrolled in the master’s program could apply for admission to the PhD program during their first year. Applicants must be admitted separately to each of the degree programs and admission to one has no official bearing on admission to the other. Once admitted to both programs, program advisors will develop an educational plan for the student which meets the requirements of both programs.
Academic Requirements
The MSW program in the Graduate College of Social Work requires that students complete 51 semester credit hours (SCH) of masters level courses. MSW students must complete a 15 SCH foundation curriculum. Joint degree students then complete their coursework and practicum in either the Clinical Practice or Macro Practice concentration in the MSW program.
The PhD program requires a minimum of 53 SCH for graduation. At minimum for full program students, 3 years of coursework and one year of dissertation are required. For Advanced Standing students, 2 ½ years of coursework and two semesters of dissertation are required.
For the dual degree program, twelve (12) hours from the PhD program are applied toward 3 elective courses and the Social Policy Analysis course in the MSW Program. For Advanced Standing students, six (6) hours from the PhD are applied toward 1 elective course and the Social Policy Analysis course in the MSW Program. No MSW hours are applied toward the PhD program due to limited electives.
Curriculum Model
Students must begin the concurrent program with enrollment in the MSW program. In the event that a student does not successfully finish their MSW Foundation coursework, they would not be permitted to continue in the doctoral program.
MSW students who do not complete the requirements of the PhD track may still complete the MSW program. PhD students who enter with a master’s degree in another discipline may complete the PhD, even if they withdraw from the MSW program. Students without a master’s degree who are admitted into the concurrent program and who do not complete their MSW will be terminated from the doctoral program.
Graduation Requirements
CSWE maintains requirements of both a MSW and post-MSW practice experience for teaching practice courses in accredited social work programs. Graduates who have not met these requirements may not teach direct practice courses. Lack of practice experience can be a central factor when students seek employment. For this reason, as well as others, it is helpful for students to complete the MSW program prior to completing the PhD so that they may have the option of gaining post-MSW experience while working towards the completion of the PhD program requirements. Once all requirements have been completed, the MSW degree would be awarded prior to the completion of the PhD degree. Graduates from the MSW/PhD program will receive two diplomas.
The University of Houston Graduate College of Social Work and the C.T. Bauer College of Business at the University of Houston offer a concurrent degree program which enables students to prepare for careers in which knowledge and skills in both social work and business administration are critical. Examples of positions which would be enhanced by the dual degrees are public and non-profit agency administration, human services program planning and development, human services management consulting, organizational development consulting, and ownership of a private for-profit service agency. Through this program, students can finish both degrees over a shorter time than if each degree was pursued separately. This is achieved by allowing courses from one program to count as electives in the other program.
Required Semester Credit Hours
The joint MSW/MBA program requires a total of 75 semester credit hours. The degree can be completed in 3 - 4 years as a full-time student. The joint MSW/MBA program for advanced standing students requires a total of 64 semester credit hours. The degree for AS students can be completed in 2 – 3 years.
Up to 12 semester credit hours earned as part of the MBA program applies to the students' MSW degree for full program students and 6 semester credit hours for Advanced Standing students.
Admission Requirements
Students entering the MSW/MBA concurrent degree program must apply and be admitted separately by both the Graduate College of Social Work and the C.T. Bauer College of Business at the University of Houston. Applications for admission to this degree program will be accepted in compliance with the application deadlines for each school. Admission to one program has no bearing on admission to the other program. All students wishing to enter the MSW/MBA concurrent degree program must apply to the second program no later than the end of their first year.
Academic Requirements
The MSW program in the Graduate College of Social Work requires that students complete 51 semester credit hours (SCH) of masters level courses. MSW students must complete a 15 SCH foundation curriculum and then enter one of two concentrations - (1) Clinical Practice or (2) Macro Practice. Advanced standing MSW students are required to complete 34 semester credit hours (SCH) of masters level courses. They are also required to select one of two concentrations, Clinical Practice or Macro Practice. Students admitted to the concurrent MSW/MBA degree track may select either MSW concentration.
Students completing the MBA program must complete 48 hours of which 27 are core classes and 21 are electives.
For the dual degree program twelve (12) hours from MBA are applied toward 4 elective courses in the MSW Program; twelve (12) hours from MSW are applied toward elective courses for the MBA program. For the Advanced Standing dual degree program, six (6) hours from MBA are applied toward 2 elective courses in the MSW Program; twelve (12) hours from MSW are applied toward elective courses for the MBA program.
Curriculum Model
The first year of the concurrent degree program must be in one college or the other. The student may choose which college to begin the joint program. All MSW Foundation coursework (including credit for Generalist Practicum 1) must be completed prior to taking any advanced social work courses. After completion of the MSW Foundation coursework, MSW and MBA courses can be taken concurrently. Should the student not complete the requirements for the MBA degree, the Graduate College of Social Work will accept a maximum of 6 semester hours from the MBA. Likewise, should the student not complete the requirements for the MSW degree, the C.T Bauer College of Business will accept a maximum of 6 semester hours from the social work curriculum.
Graduation Requirements
To graduate with the concurrent degree, students must meet all academic, curricular and graduation requirements of both colleges. Until all these requirements have been met, no course credit from either college will be applied toward the degree in the other college. Students must file for graduation and pay all applicable filing fees to the University of Houston. When filing for graduation, students must state on their application that they are filing for both degrees in the same semester. Graduates will receive two diplomas.
The social work profession has as its primary goal the enhancement of social functioning of all persons as individuals, family members, community participants, and members of society. Social work practice is concerned with promoting the well-being of all persons, ameliorating the harmful effects of unhealthy social environments, and striving to achieve social and economic justice. The purposes of the MSW degree are to encourage a broad-based perspective and value system, to provide knowledge for understanding and positively influencing human behavior and social systems, and to develop advanced skills for professional practice. The MSW degree combined with the MPH degree enables students to prepare for careers in which knowledge and skills in both social work and public health are critical.
The MPH degree is widely recognized as valuable training for professionals pursuing careers in health-related fields. In addition, skills learned in public health core disciplines, such as biostatistics, epidemiology, health administration and others, are essential for persons conducting clinical or community-based research or those involved with health services organizations. The value of combining the MPH degree with other graduate degrees is evident and prepares students to use the expertise gained in other educational programs toward solving crucial public health and health-care needs.
Required Semester Credit Hours
The joint MSW/MPH program will require a total of 72 semester credit hours. The degree can be completed in 3 - 4 years as a full-time student. The joint MSW/MPH program for advanced standing students will require a total of 61 semester credit hours. The degree for AS students can be completed in 2 – 3 years.
Up to 12 semester credit hours earned as part of the MPH program applies to the students' MSW degree for full program students and 6 semester credit hours for Advanced Standing students.
Admission Requirements
Applicants to the MSW/MPH Dual Degree Program are admitted independently by UH GCSW to the MSW program and by UTHSC-H SPH to the MPH program according to each program’s admission schedule. Applicants are required to meet all standards stipulated by the respective institutions as detailed in their admissions policies.
Although admission status may be shared between the two admission offices, admission materials (e.g., transcripts, letters of reference) will not be shared between admission offices, and admission to one program does not ensure admission to the other institution or its degree program. Further, failure to be admitted to one program does not negatively impact admission to the other institution or its degree program. A student at either institution may not be matriculated at the other institution without completing the formal application and acceptance process.
Academic Requirements
The MSW Program in the Graduate College of Social Work requires that students complete 51 semester credit hours (SCH) of master’s level courses. Of these credit hours, 35 SCH are required courses, 4 SCH are practicum courses, and 12 SCH are electives. MSW students must complete a 15 SCH foundation curriculum, and then enter one of two concentrations, (1) Clinical Practice or (2) Macro Practice. Advanced Standing MSW students are required to complete 34 SCH of masters level courses. They are also required to select one of two concentrations, Clinical Practice or Macro Practice. Students admitted to the concurrent MSW/MPH degree track may select either MSW concentration.
The MPH program requires a minimum of 45 semester credit hours for graduation, including the completion of an internship experience and a culminating experience on a topic related to public health. A minimum of 33 semester credits hours from SPH courses is required. Students must demonstrate competence in five discipline areas that constitute the core of public health skills and knowledge. These are: Behavioral Science, Biostatistics, Environmental Sciences, Epidemiology, and Health Management and Policy Sciences. Remaining courses will be chosen to reflect the career interest of the student and the dual nature of the program.
For the dual degree program, 12 semester credit hours earned as part of the MPH program are applied toward 4 electives in the MSW program; 12 hours from the MSW are applied toward the students’ MPH degree. For the Advanced Standing dual degree, 6 semester credit hours from the MPH are applied toward 2 elective courses in the MSW program; 12 hours from the MSW are applied towards the MPH degree.
Curriculum Model
The first year of the concurrent degree program must be in one college or the other. The student may choose which college to begin the joint program. All MSW Foundation coursework (including credit for Generalist Practicum 1) must be completed prior to taking any advanced social work courses. After completion of the MSW Foundation coursework, MSW and MPH courses can be taken concurrently.
Graduation Requirements
After meeting the requirements of each degree program, students in the concurrent degree program will receive diplomas from each school, respectively. If a student in the concurrent degree program does not complete the requirements of the MPH program, the student may complete the MSW program by fulfilling all the requirements of the MSW program. Shared credits from the MPH program will not be applied to the MSW program. If a student in the dual degree program does not complete the requirements of the MSW program, the student may complete the MPH program by fulfilling all the requirements of the MPH program. Shared credits from the MSW program will not be applied to the MPH program.
The University of Houston Law Center and the University of Houston Graduate College of Social Work offer a concurrent degree program that prepares students for professional practice in arenas where law and social work intersect and complement each other. Examples include public services, health and mental health care systems, services to children and families, and 2 the political arena. This program enables students to finish both degrees in a shorter time than if they were pursued separately.
Required Semester Credit Hours
The joint JD/MSW program will require a total of 114 semester credit hours, which can be completed in four years as a full-time student. Advanced standing students are required to complete 103 SCH for the revised dual program. The degree for AS students can be completed in three years.
Upon completion of all requirements for each degree, 12 credit hours from the law curriculum will be applied to the MSW for full program students. Six (6) credit hours from the law curriculum will be applied to the MSW for Advanced Standing students. Up to 15 semester credit hours from the MSW program will be applied to the JD for all students enrolled in the MSW/JD dual degree program.
Admission Requirements
All persons must be admitted separately to each of the degree programs and admission to one has no official bearing on admission to the other. Students must be admitted to both programs within a year. Once admitted to both programs, students must petition the JD/MSW coordinator or dean of student affairs (whichever is appropriate in the respective colleges) for admission to the joint program.
Academic Requirements
The MSW program in the Graduate College of Social Work requires that students complete 51 semester credit hours (SCH) of masters level courses. MSW students must complete a 15 SCH foundation curriculum and then enter one of two concentrations - (1) Clinical Practice or (2) Macro Practice. Students admitted to the concurrent MSW/JD degree track may select either MSW concentration.
The JD program requires a minimum of 90 SCHs for graduation. Curricular areas in the JD program with particular relevance to the MSW degree include Family Law, Health Law, Law and Society, Employment and Labor Law, and Constitutional and Criminal Law. Focus areas within the MSW program relevant to the JD program include the Macro concentration and the Political Social Work focused learning opportunity (FLO). However, students are not limited to these areas. Students may take any of the course offerings at the GCSW and receive credit toward their law degree.
For the dual degree program twelve (12) hours from the JD are applied toward 4 elective courses in the MSW Program; fifteen (15) hours from MSW are applied toward elective courses for the JD program. For the Advanced Standing dual degree program, six (6) hours from MBA are applied toward 2 elective courses in the MSW Program; fifteen (15) hours from MSW are applied toward elective courses for the JD program.
Although up to 15 hours taken in the Graduate College of Social Work may be counted toward the student’s JD degree, grades earned in those courses will not be considered in computing the overall grade point average, class rank, or eligibility for honors in the Law Center. The effect shall be as if the courses were taken on a pass/fail basis. Likewise, grades earned in law courses, when applied toward the MSW, will not be used in calculating the student’s GCSW cumulative grade point average, and the effect will be as if the courses were taken on a pass/fail basis.
Curriculum Model
The first year of the program must be in one college or the other. It is the student’s choice as to the college (i.e., Graduate College of Social Work or the Law Center) where they begin the joint program. Years 1 and 2 may be reversed depending on the student’s choice of program to begin first. However, there may be more benefit for the student to start with the Law Center, if able. Should the student not complete the requirements for the JD degree, the Graduate College of Social Work will accept a maximum of 6 semester hours from the law curriculum for MSW elective credit. Likewise, should the student not complete the requirements for the M.S.W. degree, the Law Center will accept a maximum of 6 semester hours from the social work curriculum.
Graduation Requirements
To graduate with the concurrent degree, students must meet all academic, curricular and graduation requirements of both colleges. Until all requirements have been met, no course credit from either college will be applied toward the degree in the other college. Students must file for graduation and pay all applicable filing fees to the University of Houston. When filing for graduation, students must state on their application that they are filing for both degrees in the same semester. Graduates from the MSW/JD program will receive two diplomas.