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All travel can be classified as either domestic or foreign. Each type has distinct meal and lodging restrictions and may have different documentation requirements. AP Travel maintains a website with all relevant information. The Travel Rules apply to all travel related to official university business, regardless of fund source or traveler type.

  • The Fly America Act requires that foreign air travel funded by federal funds, including federal pass-through funds, be conducted on U.S. flag air carriers.
  • Export Controls apply to all international travel, and UH travelers must complete the International Travel Export Control Assessment Form when traveling on official university business.
  • Travelers should be aware that funding agencies may impose more restrictive travel regulations.
  • Only the funding agency has the authority to allow exceptions to agency policy. If a PI wishes to obtain the sponsor's approval for an exception, they should send an email to or create a general inquiry function through the PI WorkCenter for DOR to request prior approval.
  • Consult the UH System Information Security page for guides on Secure Research, Secure Your Data, and International Travel Best Practices