Purchase Animals
Researchers are required to have an approved protocol completed and reviewed by the Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC), before conducting study on animals.
Ordering animals or conducting research is prohibited before receiving written approval of the IACUC. IACUC is responsible for making certain that animal research accompanied at the University of Houston resides in union with federal, state and local regulations and institutional polices.
Once a researcher has an approved protocol, the method for ordering animals for research begins. Animal orders must be placed with approved vendors listed below.
Approved Vendors:
- Envigo: Delivers Monday and Thursday if order is placed before the delivery date
- Charles River Laboratories: Delivers on Mondays only.
- The Jackson Laboratory: Delivers on Mondays only.
- Taconic Biosciences: Delivers on Tuesdays and Thursday’s if order is
placed before delivery date - Xenopus I: Flexible with delivery schedule
Animal Order Process
The researcher’s department’s Business Office must complete the Animal Purchase Request Form for approved vendors. If researcher’s wish to order animals from Non-Traditional vendors, the Non-Traditional Vendor Import-Export Form (NTV Form) must be completed.
The animal order forms must be completed accurately with all the required information. For example, protocol number, requested delivery date, the PI, with contact information. The lab and business contact information, vendor name, cost center information, the correct species and strain, weight and age of animals approved within the protocol. Please ensure the department’s Business Administrator and Principal Investigator provides signature for approval on all animal orders.
Note: The purchase of animals with Federal funds for animal purchases over $9,999 entails the researcher’s business office to obtain 3 quotes, and complete a requisition and purchase order. Once the purchase order is completed, please attach to animal order form and submit to ACO business office for order of animals. Please read the Uniform Guidance for more information.
Submission of Order Form
Once the animal order form is complete and converted into a PDF file, please attach the PDF to an email as an attachment and submit to: acobo@central.uh.edu. The Animal Care Operations business office will complete
the animal order with requested vendor, if applicable.
Once the vendor validates the order, ACO Business Office will send email confirmations to Researcher and department’s Business Office to communicate completion of animal order.
Please note, if discrepancies occur, the animal order form will be returned to the researcher’s business office and will require corrections and cause a delay with ordering animals.